"Is it a form of magic? She asked and I nodded as that was easier to explain. She didn't seem to fully believe me, but was contemplating it and finally she nodded.

"And this alpha? He'll help us?"

I nodded in assurance and she finally sighed deeply. "I'll help you."

A relief like none other washed over me as I felt every bone in my body relax slightly. I expected her to hand me back the note but she slipped it into her pocket.

"What.. what are you doing?" I sputtered and she rolled her eyes.

"Cavin is very observative, it'll be difficult to get this past him without in noticing and if you're the type to jump at every little sound, you'll get found out."

"So how do you suggest we get out?" I asked and her eyes lit up with humor. "You'll see."


Breakfast was quiet. I had been here for a week now and Cavin hadn't done anything to me. I knew my time was running out as he had been particularly touchy lately, using every excuse he could to brush against me or send me dazzling smiles. In the back of my mind I considered, was this his his game? Was he trying to be romantic? I didn't know if I should scoff or laugh at the idea.

Lily was sat quietly across the table, bruises littering her skin as she glared down at the table. Darcy sat beside her, ignoring her quietness as he made polite conversation.

"Are you beginning to settle in?" He asked me, his lips twisting into a smirk. I felt annoyance build up within me as I sighed, nodding quietly. He grinned widely, leaning across the table towards me, his hand coming up to grab my chin.

"Interesting, he hasn't even had a taste yet." He said as Cavin knocked his hand from my chin, scowling in disapproval.

"Keep your hands off what's not yours."

Darcy frowned, almost playfully but I couldn't miss the devious and dark glint behind his dark eyes. He pouted "but mine has become so dull."

"You'll soon get rid of her." One of the twins said, sighing dramatically as Darcy grimaced before grinning. I swear, this guy and his mood swings..

"Shame," he shrugged as he turned to Lily once more who only looked down at the table. "I suppose I'll get another few days?"

Breakfast was served and I ate solemnly, the bread felt stale in my mouth as Cavin and Darcy chatted. The twins kept to themselves a lot I noticed. Finally after breakfast was finished Cavin rose to his feet.

"I'll take you out to see the gardens now."

I regretted asking him now as I trudged out after him. We came to the front door and before I could blink he had whipped me around and we checking my pockets.

"I just wanted to be sure you weren't planning anything. You seemed a bit too excited to go see the gardens." He grinned and for a mere moment I felt utter panic take over my body before I realized I no longer had the note. I thanked the Gods for Miriam, knowing that fate was working to help me escape.

"Of course not." He laughed. "My obedient little doe." I felt shivers run down my spine as his words washed over me.

He turned again, motioning towards the large doorway and I stepped through, still a bit shaken that he had gone to the extent to check if I was carrying anything. What did he suppose I could've done? Carry a weapon? I still wouldn't of gotten very far with that.

I noticed the garden was filled with roses of every kind and an array of colors lined the garden. There was a small path that I could follow and I walked along contently, as Cavin walked behind me quietly.

"Are you settling in here?" He asked tenderly and I could help but find it even more unnerving when he tried to play himself off as kind. I knew he wasn't.

I shrugged. "I suppose."

He picked at one of the dark red roses, drawing a small spot of blood on his fingers "I'll have to feed on you soon, you know."

My blood ran cold at his words and for once I couldn't help the shock and fear that resonated through my words.


He chucked deeply at unease, mistaking it for confusion. "That is the main reason you're here love."

I felt anger summer up in my body and the tiny trickle of things that had compiled over the last few days imploded, leaving me livid and ready to explode.

"Oh, you mean how you ripped me from my friends and my mate? How you completely stripped me of basic human rights into a puppet. How you decided you can determine what I do and who I talk to? Isn't that why I'm here Cavin? " I spat and I watched his eyes grow darker and angrier with every word I spoke but I could help it. At this point my frustration was taking over, my frustration at being lost and trapped, at missing a man I'd only just met for reasons beyond my understanding. For my choices and decisions to be ripped away by vampires. For feeling so helpless.

"Why am I here Cavin? When is the nice Cavin going to disappear and then I will subjected to the same abuse that Lily gets? You think I'm that naive, that dumb? You think I don't realize what's happening?"

Before I could react a strong hand was wrapped around my throat and oxygen stopped going into my lungs. I struggled for breath as I watched pure anger filter through his eyes.

"You know, I'm really beginning to loose my patience with you." He said as I felt my vision begin to dot. I heaved and spluttered in a desperate attempt to supply oxygen to my lungs.

"Let's try a different approach huh?" He spat as he threw me against the ground, I rolled against the cobblestone, already feeling the bruises on my skin from the force used to throw me. I groaned, sitting up but he was beside me in seconds, grabbing my small frame and throwing me against the wall. I groaned in pain and felt it run through my body.

"What are you Aurora? How did you heal him?" He roared as he approached me, and from a distance I saw Darcy round the corner and come into view. I was kicked again, harshly and I felt one of my ribs break as a result. I let out a cry and scooted backwards in fear.

"Cavin, calm down. You'll end up killing her." Darcy said calmly and Cavin whipped around, his stance defensive as he glared at Darcy.

"Get away NOW." He yelled as Darcy held up his hands in surrender. I began to realize why Cavin was so calm all the time, because when he got angry, he got really angry. He was a monster, Completely out of control. His words began to slur with the pure anger he spat them out with and I waned to back away as I took in the wild look in her eyes, almost like a feral animal.

"What did you say to him? " Darcy asked me with hard eyes and I struggled to get to my knees.

"Stop talking to her. She's mine." Cavin roared and he went to attack Darcy who slammed him into the wall, irritation showing on his face.

"Jesus, you must of really pissed him off." He glowered at me and Cavin turned his head frantically between the two of us. His eyes widened and frantic, full of an irrational and uncontrollable anger.

"Stop stealing what's mine!" Cavin shrieked as he grabbed Darcy's arm and shoved him against the tree. Suddenly I had an idea and I looked up at Cavin.

"He told me he wants to take me away from you. That was always his plan, he wants to steal me from you." I told Cavin and his eyes lit up with anger and he attacked Darcy again with a crazed amount of anger.

I realized that this might be my only chance and I rushed back into the mansion, desperate to find Miriam. Darcy and Cavin were still outside as I rushed through the halls, seeing her familiar figure as I grabbed her hand and began to tug her.

"We've to do it now." I said and one look at my desperate facial expression and she was nodding in agreement.

Out of The Woods (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now