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" Yes, Hun?"

" Why does this girl can have drawings at her face and I don't? If I draw at my nose you always say that I shouldn't do this.", as she said this, she pointed directly at me, I didn't get what she was saying so I waited for a response of her mother.

" They aren't drawings, they are tattoos, darling"

"I want a tattoo too!"

The face of her mother was priceless, "You can have a temporary one..."

As funny as it was listening, I had a little decent problem, I, the idiot I am, forgot to cover up my tattoos after showering. Looks like I fucked up a bit, I got a ... few more tattoos the last time we saw each other.


" The flight 0336 from London arrived now"

Was the announcement coming from the speakers and I was up within a second, I've been waiting for two hours now and all I wanted, was to see my brother again.

We're not really related, but family is far more than just blood.

The first passengers went through the corridors after 10 more minutes and I was constantly looking for his face. I didn't find it. Ladies and Gentlemen, my life.

I went back and grabbed my seventh coffee, on the way back I eventually heard a familiar voice again.

" I don't know who you're searching for, but if it's me, this is the wrong way, Shaya."

A grin spread across my face and I turned around to see Nate's smiling face.

"It was too long!", we said in unison and hugged, well, saying that I was squeezed to death would've been more correct.

" Nathan, I'm so happy to see you too, but it won't last long if you don't stop strangling me."

I said laughing, but seriously I couldn't breathe anymore.

" This would be a tragedy, who would be saving the world then? "

" Saving the world? Rather saving America. "

"Who was the one killing terrorists that were planning killing thousands of people all over this world? Who was the one who prevented an assassination where every president and chairman of the world should get killed?"

" You're exaggerating. "

" I'm not, and you know it."

I just rolled my eyes and stopped discussing, we both were really stubborn so there was no sense wasting time.

" So, how's London? "

" It's really nice there, you can still change your mind and come to me. You don't have to work as an agent, Shaya. You can quit, like me."

" Do you believe that there are people who actually like their jobs?"

I can't just quit, it is the only thing I ever really knew, the only thing that was steady in my life I can't just lose that because of nothing. And the truth is, I don't want to, I love my job too much.

But another point is that I can't quit because of her, not after what I did, I owe her this at least...for the rest of my life.

" I'll leave it like this for today, but we will talk about this another time."

Just to clear this before you get the wrong view of him, he always worries about me, and if it's about my job he always wants that I quit, he'd do anything get me out of there but nah, he won't convince me.

Protecting the school's idiotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ