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Jimin wakes up from the blinding sunlight coming from the window next to his bed. 

He curses and squints his eyes from annoyance. His skull gives a sharp throb and he groans, rolling to his side and covers his face with the thick blanket. 

He must've drank a lot last night, as always, because not only he has a painful headache but he reeks of alcohol. 

He wonders if he can once in his life go to a party without ending up drunk as fuck and out of his mind. Probably never gonna happen because this is Park Jimin, a college dance student, who works part-time at a strip club to earn a living. 

He groans again and stretches to relieve the pain in his lower back. What the fuck did he do last night. 

His eyes widen and he holds his breath when his foot touches something cold, something human, next to him. 

He slowly turns his head to look at the other side of the bed and realizes, terrified, that there's a stranger next to him. 

Who the fuck . 

He face palms so hard that he thinks he woke up the stranger next to him. He turns to glance at him once again, and thank God, he's still asleep. 

Jimin can't really see his face, he has his back turned towards Jimin. The only thing he can see is the pitch black hair and back muscles of the guy. 

Oh, and some hickeys. 


Jimin looks around and comes to the realization that this isn't even his bedroom. This isn't even his bed. He slept in a stranger's house for the second time this week. 

He lifts up the blanket and takes a glance on their naked bodies. Jimin looks at a hickey on his stomach and another one close to his nipple. 

Images start popping up in his head from last night and he smirks at himself. 

At least he had fun. 

The stranger next to him makes some sleep noises and turns around, wrapping one of his arms around Jimin's waist. Jimin can feel his breath hitting the back of this neck. 


He takes a deep breath and tries to get up as quietly as possible, without waking up the guy next to him, who looks like is a deep sleeper. The odds are with him. 

He manages to get up from the bed successfully. Another victory for Park Jimin. 

Jimin isn't always sex, partying and living life. He's a guy with a strong attitude, yes, a body that can make you cream your pants instantly and a smile that can make you drop on your knees immediately, but he can be a shy dork at times. Dancing is his life and, well, he enjoys dancing at the strip club even though it's not the place he'd actually choose to work at if he had a choice. But if it includes dancing then he's in.

Even if a bunch of thirsty, drunk guys stare at him from the bottom to the top, their glares only showing how badly they want to shove Jimin against the wall and have their ways with him, he enjoys that. 

He enjoys feeling so powerful. Loves how he has the power to make everyone so amazed at the way he moves his body to the music, how well he can control his body. Yes, he might also slightly love how all the guys and girls stare at him, wanting a night with him, but will never get the pleasure to actually fulfill their fantasies. 

Well, not all of them at least, he thinks as he stares back at the guy lying down on the bed, still asleep. He smirks. 

He's almost fully clothed, pants and shoes left and he's out of there, until the stranger groans and opens his eyes. He squints as he stares at Jimin, who's frozen on the spot, staring down at the guy with widened eyes. 

Jimin clears his throat, "Uh.. good morning", he says awkwardly as the guy keeps steady eye contact with him, confusion painted on his face. Fuck, he should've taken his clothes and ran sooner.

"Where are you going?", the guy says, his voice still raspy from just waking up. 

"I.. have a class in about an hour so I have to hurry, sorry", it's not a lie. It's 7 in the morning and he has a class at 8 so he has to hurry or he'll miss his class. Again. 

 The guy's expression goes from confused to soft, "Oh that's okay" he sits up on the bed "Maybe we can.. go out and grab a coffee or grab lunch some day?" 

Jimin froze for the 100th time in 10 minutes. This is too much right now, it's too early for this shit.

A minute passes by with no reply from Jimin, he's just staring at the guy confused, making the other one nervous for a reply that he thinks he's never going to get. "Jimin?" he calls, worried.

The guys Jimin sleeps with are almost always one night stands, they are all memories and different experiences that he never talks to again after one night. Well, some ask him for a second and third and forth and so on time but never asked for something more than sex. 

So, it's a bit surprising for him. 

"Isn't that kind of like... a date?", Jimin says and crosses his arms, his sassy self back, as he stares at the guy with an eyebrow raised and a small grin. 

The guy chuckles, "Maybe". 

Jimin walks over to the desk near the guy's bed and grabs a pen and paper to write his phone number on. He adds a heart next to his name and leaves the small paper on the desk. "Call me, then uh.." he trails off as he doesn't even know the guy's name. 

"Yoongi" the guy adds with a sweet gummy smile and laughing afterwards at Jimin forgetting his name. 

"Well, see you soon, Yoongi" Jimin winks at him and walks out the door. 

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