Chapter 7 : Water signs battle

Start from the beginning

"I'ts a joke, right?" Orion give me a 'let me finish my speech' look. I close my mouth.

"And plus, the winner of each elements were planned since you were born. If you're the sign that is meant to win, then you will win no matter what."

It doesn't really erase my doubts but i nod anyways.

"Now i will lead you in a room so you can train." Orion make a gesture with her hand for me to come. She leads me through some corridors and the only stupidity i think of doing is imagining Cancer and Scorpio in a awkward silence.

"Here we are. Don't waste your time and train correctly." I don't even have the time to thanks her that she closes the door.

After hearing her footsteps fading, I start to think of a way to win.

30 minutes later

Toc toc toc

The door open with Orion, Cancer and Scorpio entering.

"Pisces, it's time to go." Orion say to me while smiling kindly.

I nod before following her and the others two outside.

While we are walking Orion start to speak.

"If you didn't know it, there's a arena outside the school. The battle will take place there."

"Is the arena huge?" Scorpio asks.

"Of course, there should be place for the signs like Leo and Taurus to fight."

Me and Cancer smirks like little children when we hear the name of Leo and Taurus in the same sentence. Yes, we call ourselves smart.

We carry on walking in a comfortable silence. I notice after a certain time the arena. It is as huge as Orion described it.
The arena has a circle shape and sit all around it. How can we fight without hurting the people on the sit?

After walking more closely and clearly watching the arena, I notice that there is a transparent wall all around. Now i understand.

"It is great, right?" Orion asks us, a childish smile on her lips. She seems really excited about this battle.

A awkward silence take place at this moment. Me and Cancer share a look of distress. Scorpio, him, is looking lost in his thoughts.

"So, the first battle is going to be Pisces VS Scorpio." Luckily Orion broke the silence.

I take place in the middle of the arena and Scorpio is just in front of me. Cancer and Orion are seated further from us

I'm not really nervous about the battle since I got to train. For thirty small minutes. But thankfully Virgo had helped me before so it won't be a huge shit. At least i hope.

I see Cancer giving me a thumbs up and Orion start counting.


I do like Virgo told me and shouts my transformation name. Scorpio do the same at the same moment.



I feel a lot of water coming around me and I start to feel a tail, sharp tooth and scales growing on me. It will be a particular type of shark since I don't think they have scale, but maybe because my sign is the fish. Now I fully transformed in a giant shark and there are water all around me.

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