Chapter 4 - Con's Initiation

Start from the beginning

He lifted his head to see who it was, "Oh, morning Miss Belladonna."

Blake sat across from him with a tray carrying a similar breakfast meal he recently finish, "I'm surprise to see you up this early."

Megatron: "I tend to wake up right before the break of dawn, Miss Belladonna. What about you?"

"Same." She raise an eyebrow when she heard the miss comment for a second time, "Why are you calling me miss?"

Megatron: "I figure it would be best to call you that instead of saying your first since we just met. I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't want to sound too causal that it would make you feel uncomfortable."

She simply just blinked in surprise before smirking, "You're quite a gentleman, you know that?"

"I wasn't always like this," he answered.

Blake simply chuckled, "You can simply call me Blake. I don't mind."

"Alright Blake." Megatron noticed the book next to her tray, "You're a fan of reading?"

Blake: "Yes, you too?"

Megatron: "Sometimes."

Blake: "Really, you don't look like the reading type."

"I get that a lot, too." His comment caused the raven hair to chuckle a little more causing a small smirk to appear on his face, "May I ask what it is about?"

Blake "It's about a man with two souls."

Megatron: "A man with two souls..."

Blake noticed the change of tone, "You read it?"

Megatron: "No... But it is similar to tale I know..."

Blake: "Really, how?"

"I don't know what kind of souls the man in your book have, but the tale I know have a man fighting against the soul of the God of Chaos. The Chaos Bringer wanted the man to slay his allies; however, the man resisted his control. Stating that he will never take orders from him and he told the God of Chaos he take orders from no one." Flashes of when Unicron tried to posses him using the matrix's of chaos.

Blake: "Resisting the control of a God... He must strong."

'You have no idea...,' Megatron got up and lifted his tray, "I'll take my leave now. I have feeling you want to continue reading your book and I have to take care of something. Good luck in the initiation, Blake."

Blake "You too, Megatron."

Once he left the cafeteria and walk down the hallway for a bit, he came to a halt. He turned his head to the window and stared into the distance. During the conversation with Blake, something click in his head when he remember the confrontation with Unicron. 'Could the Grimm be connected to him... It can't be... Unicron was destroyed, but why is it that these creatures remind me of him? Unless...'

Megatron took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, "I won't know for certain until I fight them again. Primus help us all if I am right.

Later on, Megatron was in the locker room ready to grab his gear for the initiation. As he entered he saw a hyperactive orange hair girl talking to a boy who had black hair was wearing a green shirt. Megatron simply ignored them to his locker where Weiss and someone he doesn't recognize were standing in front of it. The stranger had red waist length hair that was tied in a ponytail and green eyes. Her outfit resembles much of a Spartan, but minus the helmet with a tiara. Things got pretty strange because Weiss started to give a sinister/devious smile and dark thunderous clouds surround her.

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