Jennie - Millions (M)

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"Hey Y/N!" a familiar voice shouted as I scrolled through my Instagram feed. I looked up to see Jennie running over cutely, waving as she grinned her gummy grin. A smile quickly made its way onto my face as I watched her make her way over to me.

"Hey Jen!" I waved to her.

"So what's up?" she asked while still grinning. Her cheeks puffed up so adorably and I wanted to squeeze them so badly. I just hummed in reply while I stared at her cheeks without realizing.

"Y/N? Are you gonna just stare at me or?" she giggled, breaking my trance.

"Huh? Oh right, um nothing really. Just wanted to hang out with you." I answered, smiling as I stood up and walked over to her. "Let's go get some ice cream." I said, grabbing her right hand with my left and gently leading her over to a nearby ice cream truck. As we approached the truck, I chuckled as I saw the serving staff stare at us in shock before squealing as she saw us together hand in hand.

"I'll have two scoops of cookies and cream and she'll have two scoops of milk ice cream please." I ordered, looking at the menu. I felt Jennie wrap her arm around mine and turned to look at her. We were in the shade but her grin beamed so brightly I felt like I was looking at the sun.

"You can't be doing this to me right now Jennie." I smirked as I tapped her cute little nose with my index finger.

"Am I doing something?" she giggled, grinning even brighter and puffing her cheeks up even more. I playfully rolled my eyes in response and quickly gave her right cheek a squeeze, laughing as I grabbed my ice cream and ran to a nearby bench.

"Y/N!" I heard her whine cutely as I ran off. "Come back here!" she continued, shouting playfully. People around us must have recognized us as they took photos of us while we ran past them. I stopped at a bench, turning around as Jennie slowly came to a halt right in front of me. I gently grabbed her free hand with mine and pulled down onto the bench next to me. As we sat next to each other quietly and finished our ice cream, simply enjoying each other's presence, I softly grabbed Jennie's hand and shifted myself closer to her.

Narrator's POV
"Hey Jen, there's actually a reason why I called you out here." Y/N began to speak, looking into Jennie's eyes. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she waited for him to continue speaking.

"There's actually a lot I've wanted to say to you for a while but I'm just now plucking up the courage to do so." Y/N continued, his voice shaking.

"The truth is... I really like you Jennie. Everytime I'm with you it feels like the world around me melts away and all that's left is you." he spoke softly, his hands holding hers gently as he locked his eyes to hers.

"I lose myself in your beautiful eyes, your cute button nose and your pretty lips. I smile like a fool whenever I think about you and you're always on my mind. I could go on and on about what I like about you, it's like I have a million reasons why. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you Jennie Kim. If you're not ready yet to respond it's okay, you can take your time. I'll always be here waiting for you. All I asking for is your permission for me to be by your side, to share all my happiness with you, and to make memories that I'll cherish forever with the girl I love the most in this world." he finished speaking, his voice wavering as he awaited her answer.

"Y/N..." Jennie whispered. She moved closer to him, leaning forward as she connected her lips to his passionately. Their kiss was stiff at first, but they both quickly melted into it, the feeling of butterflies raging around inside their stomachs and the air around them thick with joy and passion. After what felt like an eternity for the two new lovers, they broke the kiss, their breathing irregular as they looked into each other's eyes, foreheads connected and lips curved up into bright smiles.

"I had no idea you felt this strongly about me." Jennie whispered, her voice shaky from their fiery kiss. Y/N smiled in response, playing with the tips of her hair strands with his left hand.

"I'm so happy you feel the same way about me as I feel towards you. Let's make lots of happy memories together. I love you so much Y/N." she finished speaking, teardrops forming in her eyes out of happiness.

I saw teardrops start to form in her eyes and threaten to fall as I leaned in, cupping her right cheek with my right hand and pulling her in by her waist with my left. I pressed my lips onto hers gently but passionately, desperately wanting to prove to her how much I loved her. She smiled into the kiss and I felt overjoyed that the girl I had longed for for so long was finally mine.

"I love you Jennie, I love you so so much."

~ ~ ~ ~

I'm going to be taking a break from writing for about a week. I've been feeling super uninspired and burnt out and it feels like I have writer block which sucks. I know my writing is definitely not as good as it usually is right now, so I want to take a break to relax and work on my music and stuff.

Hope you all understand! Thanks for reading, and as always if you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a vote. Comments and requests are always welcome ^^

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