Deafness in Love ~Bang Yedam (YG Trainee)

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I can't believe it happened. I can't turn back now... Not after all that's happened. I don't even know exactly what we even fought over anymore. All I know is that we aren't together anymore. He was all I wanted. We just can't stay together. The trust isn't there anymore... Bang Yedam, he was mine.

"Why did you do it?" She cries pushing Yedam.

"Haerin, it isn't like that."

"No, then what? What did you not mean? You just told everyone that we aren't together, which isn't even the worst part. The worst is you saying that I was ugly, worthless, and that I wasn't worth anyone's time. What's there to explain?"

"It isnt like that!"

"Then what?!" Haerin turns around with tears stained on her face.


"I need space, Yedam. I need space," Haerin turns and walks away.

I had to walk away that day. I couldn't take it. Ever since then, we had more and more tension. It wasn't suppose to be like this.

"Yedam, Haerin is in trouble!"

Yedam took no hesitation to jump up and run out of the classroom. He runs to the court yard.

"Haerin!" He shouts as he pulls Haerin away from the other girl.

The chatter rose.

"Haerin, stop. Don't do it."

"She started it!" Haerin retorts, clenching her teeth.

"Haerin, don't. Let's go," Yedam says pulling Haerin away.

Making to a safer place, Haerin releases his hold.

"What were you thinking?! You could've gotten hurt!" Yedam lectures.

"You weren't even there. She threatened then attacked me."

"Why did go after her though?"

"Would you stay still if Jisung came after you? No!"

"Haerin, stop! This is ridiculous."

"No it isn't.".

"Haerin, you need to-"

"To what? Stop lying to people that we're dating or the fact that you took her out on a date-"

"She's my cousin!"

"You're a liar."

"I'm not lying. Haerin, believe me."

"Yeah like everyone else who believed that we aren't together."

"You know what? Fine. Don't believe me. Do what you want. I tried to show that I cared for you but since you don't want it, then I'm done. We've been fighting too much. I can't do this anymore."

That was it. We fought a little too much... Just a little bit. Well, too much. What was it exactly? Was it because he lied? Was it because I was insecure? Or was it because went weren't made for one another? I don't even know anymore... We just went in the wrong direction...


I guess we had too much. We couldn't take it anymore? I don't even know. Haerin and I... we went wrong somewhere. I don't even know where it began for the both of us.

"Haerin, you're not going to actually do that right?"

"Um why not? It'll be a nice gesture. Plus she doesn't want to go by herself. If we both go then it'll be okay. She won't be so nervous."

"But, it's our date day."

"We will be on a double date!"

"I guess..." Yedam whispers before smiling.

We started so well. Its been three years of Haerin and I and now those three years are gone. The smallest things fueled a fire that we didn't know how to extinguish. We didn't thinkbthat it was big till it got too big. A wild fire we didn't even know what it was burning.

"Yedam, are you serious? Why did you come over last night?! You should've called!"

"I'm sorry, I thought it would be a nice gesture since we haven't seen one another for a while-"

"You know how embarrassing that was?"

"You know I didn't mean to."

Where did we go wrong? We were so in love then it began to disappear. Haerin was all that I wanted and now its lost the love we had is lost and nothing is in our odds to bring it back.

Haerin was all I wanted. She was perfection to me. The way she laughed. The way she looked at me when I would lose my self in her eyes. My heart would beat faster when she was near and how her eyes would light up when she sees me. I will miss it all. Well, I already do.

"Yedam, I'm so sorry for what happened between you and Haerin. Her fight with Kammi. All of it. I should go and talk to her. It is all my fault. She thinks that you're cheating but you're not-"

"Yeri, it isn't your fault..."

"Yedam, I'm your older cousin. It wasn't suppose to be like this-"

"Yeri, it's okay."

"No it isn't," Yeri stands with her hands to her hips.

"She won't believe me. I already tried to tell her."

"Well, you weren't talking about her, Kim Haerin, you were talking about that brat, Kim Haerin, from academy. Like really? You need to try and talk to her again and tell her the truth. Plus she needs to know that we are NOT and thing. That's gross."

"She won't listen."

"You don't know that-"

"Yeri, she stopped listening a long time ago!" Yedam shouts with his face in tears.

In a split second his face softens into a defenseless mood. He sits on the couch. His cousin walks over to him and hugs him tight. He holds her back in pain.

"Shhh... Breathe, Yedam. Breathe... You're going to get through this, baby couz. Shh..."

That was it. That was the reason why. This is why we stopped. It wasn't because love wasn't there... We spoken too loud that we couldn't even hear one another. I love Kim Haerin. She's my everything, but I wasn't listening... That's why. It wasn't a what started it or who... It was why it started...

"We never listened," Yedam chokes out between his sobbing tears, "All I needed to do was listen..."

We weren't blind.
We were deaf.
Deaf to one another.
This is our consequence.
As the fire roared, we ignored it.
We ignored it for so long that were ignored each other.
I'm so sorry...
I love you...

❤Kpop Oneshots Book 2❤Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang