I took one last look in the mirror, straightening out my dress, and smiled in satisfactory. Hmm. Something that doesn't happen often.. I feel.. not completely ugly?


*Ethan's PoV
"Mom..seriously?" I asked annoyed. She giggled while straightening out my button up shirt. "Honey don't you want to look your best?" She asked referring to my clothes. She dug into some old boxes picking out mine and grays best clothes. It's obvious we don't have much, so wearing nice things is weird.

"Son this is more of a test. I'm sure this Liv will pass." My dad said. Gray and I were confused. "What does she have to do?" Gray asked. Mom and dad smiled and smirked at one another, but not revealing the answer to the lingering question.

We arrived at the party and I'm already bored. I wanna leave and go to a real party and get drunk or something. I need to get laid.. it's been a good three days..

I glanced around when my eyes stopped. I felt frozen completely. I saw an angel in a white dress smiling while dancing with a little boy in the middle of the dance floor. Gorgeous.. with her classic vans, and that damn bow that makes her more adorable.

I couldn't help but smile while watching her dance with the little boy who's smile couldn't get any bigger. "Checking her out huh?" I heard as well as an arm swing around my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes. "Please.. she's a soc." I said. Gray smiled. "So I can have her then." He said. I gritted my teeth. "Don't even think about it." I said through my teeth. He smirked and shook his head.

"Oh my Liv, you look gorgeous my dear." I heard my moms voice say. I turned around seeing Liv looking beautiful as always.

"Thank you Lisa." She said in her whisper for a voice. Liv turned to gray and I with a shocked look. She walked towards us and looked confused. Probably because we look like socs right now.

"W-what are you wearing?" She asked quietly. "We're socs today." I said. "Liv don't they look handsome?" Mom asked looking closely at her facial expressions. She blinked a few times.

"Very. U-um they always do.. but could I change a t-tiny thing?" She asked smiling. We shrugged and nodded. She smiled and quickly pulled us out of the party. My hand tingled where she touched me.. damn I am horny.


*Liv's PoV
I smiled when I was finally done. I looked at the twins and nodded. I walked to Ethan and straightened out the collar of his leather jacket. "Now that..is what I call handsome." I said looking at his black ripped jeans, white t-shirt, and ripped leather jacket.

He smirked. "Thanks ladybug." I nodded. "What about me?" Gray asked. Liv giggled quietly. "You too Grayson." I said. I stood back looking at the two.

"Hmm.. perfect." I said. "Now, we c-can go back". I said quietly. They nodded trailing behind me. When we walked back to the Dolans Lisa smiled widely looking at the twins, and Mr.Dolan looked pleased.

"Someone passed the test." Lisa said quietly. I didn't know what she meant, but smiled anyway.

"You like that look better?" Mr.Dolan asked. I smiled and nodded. "Much." I said. Their parents smiled widely when we heard music playing loudly.

"Will one of you knuckle heads ask this gorgeous girl to dance?" Mr.Dolan asked making me blush and look down. "What do you say Liv?" Grayson asked. I smiled and nodded. We walked to the dance floor where we did a less formal version of the Waltz.

I was then spun out of his arms, then my waist was pulled tightly into the more intimidating twins arms. I smiled looking into his green eyes.

We danced for a while until he dipped me unexpectedly. He leaned in close to my ear. "Did I mention how breathtakingly beautiful you look?" He whispered giving me goosebumps. My cheeks went hot and probably red as he pulled me back from the dip. I looked down trying to hide my blush.

"Um, Ethan. I think it my turn to dance with my boyfriend." A voice said snapping me out of mine and Ethan's trance.

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^^Thanks Loves<3

Greaser ☾Ethan Dolan Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt