Chapter 26: The Actual Rescue

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     Sinergy pulled his sword out of Stota's chest and turned back to the battle at hand, but once his back was turned, Stota used his last bit of strength to pick up his sword and impaled Sinergy right in his back.

     Sinergy landed on the ground next to Stota, both men struggling to hold on as reality started to slip from their fingertips. Stota looked at the ceiling above him as his vision started to get cloudy at the edges. As he lied there, Stota thought about why he had killed Sinergy. It was not just for revenge, it went way deeper than that. He had killed Sinergy so that Aqua could live and go about her life, not needing to look over her shoulder. But Stota also killed him so that Aqua would have a better life. One she deserved. One he could not provide for her. One he wished he had.

     He had spent all his life hating her, mostly because of her parents, but deep down, he loved her. And now as if all his wrong deeds could be undone, at least he would die a hero and he saved the one person that he loved. That is if she was still alive.

     Seeing that their king was dead and many of their friends and colleagues were either dead or were going to be, the Lamadian soldiers dropped their weapons, as a sign of surrender. Firestar and the remaining Guardians escorted the guards toward the entrance of the dungeon where they were placed in holding until further notice.

     With Sinergy and the Lamardians taken care of, BlackHawk raced over to the tank where an unmoving Aqua occupied. Knowing he could not shatter the glass, for fear of hurting Aqua, he needed to get the lid off and get her out. He used one of his metal arrows to pry the glass lid off and threw it to the side, shattering it in the process.

     With the lid removed, BlackHawk used his strength to lift her out of the water tank and gently set her on the ground. After laying her on the ground, he started the chest compressions as he performed CPR. When the compressions started he would blow air into her lungs for two breaths then repeat. Compressions. Two breaths. Repeat. Compressions. Two breaths. Repeat. He must have done this at least ten times before finally giving up. BlackHawk gingerly rested her head on his lap so he could look at her face one more time.

     Meanwhile, Firestar had taken the last of the Lamadian guards who had surrendered and had locked them up in the dungeon below. Once he came back into the throne room and saw BlackHawk holding Aqua's body, the smile he had was instantly wiped from his face.

     As Firestar entered the room, Darkmoon put a hand on his chest stopping him in his tracks. "Let them have their moment." Darkmoon did not need his powers to know the thoughts that were going through BlackHawk's mind.

     BlackHawk moved a lock of Aqua's hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. Tears threaten to fall as he said goodbye to Aqua.

     "Please Aqua, come back to me," BlackHawk said no louder than a whisper. "You have taught me so much about forgiveness, sacrifice, and... love. You mean so much to me. I can't bear to lose you because... I-I love you."

     BlackHawk did not know how long it had been before Darkmoon and Firestar had approached him. It could have been a few minutes or a few hours. All he knew was that the one woman he had ever loved was dead. And all for what? Greed. Power. Revenge.

     Sadness turned to anger as BlackHawk remembered how Aqua had gone to rescue him all by herself, without any backup and into a castle full of trained soldiers. She was fearless. He remembered the last time he saw her alive. She was fighting Sinergy and his guards in the throne room, trying to use her powers when water had fallen on him. And... BlackHawk knew what he had to do.

     First BlackHawk took off the special cuffs that Sinergy had been using to block Aqua's powers. Then he picked Aqua up bridal style and approached the tank which was still full of the water that had been meant to drown her. Was he really going to do this?

     Firestar saw that BlackHawk was approaching the glass box once again and started to step in that direction to stop him, but Darkmoon stopped him once again. "Watch," was all he said as if he knew what was going to happen.

     BlackHawk neared the opening and delicately set Aqua in the water. At first, nothing began to happen, but slowly Aqua's body began to glow. As Aqua started to glow brighter and brighter, BlackHawk stepped back preparing for what was about to happen. When he thought Aqua could not get any brighter, she did to the point where everyone in the room had to cover their eyes to not become blind.

     The sound of shattering glass caused BlackHawk to uncover his eyes. What he saw left him at a loss for words. Aqua was alive and standing right in front of him. No blood seeped out of the holes that used to occupy her body, but now her skin was back to its flawless self.

     After recovering from the shock BlackHawk ran to her and enveloped her in a hug. "I thought I lost you," he whispered in her ear. "You can't get rid of me that easily," Aqua replied which caused BlackHawk to laugh. BlackHawk was about to say something, but Aqua stopped him. "I guess I have a lot to clean up," said Aqua knowing what responsibility lay ahead of her as queen.

     "Don't worry you'll make a great queen, just like your parents."

     "Thank you, BlackHawk. For everything," and with that she leaned in and gave him a kiss on his lips, completely oblivious to his confession earlier. It was short but sweet, almost as if she was promising him something.

     "I love you," said BlackHawk as their kiss ended. Finally, he had done it! He had told her how he felt.

     "I love you too," replied Aqua.

     And with that, the couple and all their friends began to rebuild the Lamada kingdom. And slowly after several months of painstakingly long hours of nonstop work, the kingdom was returned to its former glory where peace and happiness finally returned after being deprived of it for almost two decades.

     After Lamada was restored, families and festivities could be heard from miles away even to the Cadar kingdom which was also being rebuilt.

     A band struck up in the courtyard and both young and old began to dance, sing and clap to the music. Fireworks were sent into the sky which had not been seen since the day of Aqua's birth, this was truly a special day.

Aqua, Firestar, BlackHawk, and Darkmoon watched all of this from the window in the King's Quarters and a smile appeared on each of their faces. Happiness never looked so good on the kingdom below and hopefully it was here to stay for a very long time.

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