Chapter 18: Vidcon Day 3

Start from the beginning

The group needed to head of and got into cars to drive them to the green room. As it had become customary Nate quickly pecked my cheek before he left. It was a small gesture that meant so much to me and I didn’t even care that anyone around could see.

As I headed out to find Emma, I was clutching the tickets in my hands. Nate had talked to Gleam who in turn had talked to the convention and I had gotten four tickets to cut the line to the main stage. The pass around my own neck was already a special guest’s guest kind of thing and allowed me to do it anyway.

Emma was sitting with the three of her friends in the queue and vlogging when I approached. She didn’t turn the camera to me but said:

“Guys, I’ve got to go. My sister finally reappeared!” and proceeded to turn the camera off.

She gave me a big hug and it made me realise how much I had missed her by not having seen her in only one day.

“I missed you,” I told her.

“Naw, you had too much fun with your bae,” she laughed. “But you feel guilty for leaving me.”

“What’s a bae?” I inquired.

“Some think it’s just a fun way of saying babe while others argue that it stands for Before Anyone Else. Come on let me introduce you to my temporary roommates.”

The three girls seemed really lovely and I wondered how Emma had managed to find such nice girls to stay with.

“Actually, I have a surprise,” I said and four pair of eyes turned to me. “Since I kind of ditched you, Ems, and you girls were kind enough to make sure that she got a place to sleep, I got you these passes.”

I handed them the passes and then made gestures to indicate that they should keep their voices down.

“Wait, this is front of the line passes to the main stage!” one of them hissed excitedly.

I nodded.

“You’re officially the best sister ever!” Emma said. “We probably would have made it in anyway but now we can sit in front.”

I felt a little bad that it would mean cutting the line of those many people that had waited for so long. Still, I was glad that it didn’t mean someone got pushed out of the queue.

They got up and followed me to the security in front of the doors. I felt envious eyes in my back and wanted to offer up my pass to all of them. But I couldn’t since it would mean that I wouldn’t be allowed back into Nate’s room or the backstage activities as selfish as it was I was enjoying to be a VIP.

The security eyed the tickets and my pass and then allowed us passage. The next couple of performances were a bit of a blur. I noticed that Jim was on with someone called Sorted Food and he was failing miserably at cooking but it was hilarious to watch.

Then came what most people waited for. What I also most was looking forward to seeing. The British YouTubers got called on stage and the screams was so loud that I tried to cover my ears discretely.

The ten YouTubers all looked so happy when they saw the cheering crowd, they lined up left to right: Alfie, Marcus, Tanya, Jim, Nate, Zoe, Joe, Louise, Louis and with Caspar walking around between them.

They played the ‘Most Likely To” game and it was so funny, Caspar did a great job hosting although I thought I could spot a bit of insecurities at some moments. The boys ended up doing handstands and later Zoe nearly fell over laughing. Caspar was joking around with all of them and the way everyone interacted with each other was so touching and real, no one could doubt the friendship between all of them. My eyes mostly stayed on Nate and I caught him looking at me a few times as well.

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