Eventually he fell asleep from me playing in his hair. He's such a big baby. I went to sleep shortly after he did.
Dave's POV

"David. David. Come on now. Get up. We're about to land," I heard Faith say as she shook me awake.

I did a little stretch, waking the rest of my body up. "Damn. I slept the rest of the flight? That's wild."

"Yeah your big head was all up in my space," Faith said rolling her eyes, jokingly.

"Whatever lil girl. Nobody told you to run your fingers through my hair. I do appreciate it though."

"Yeah you seemed really tired so I didn't bother you. When's the last time you got some proper sleep?" She questioned in a concerned matter.

"If I'm being honest. When I stayed over your place."

She looked shocked, but tried to mask it. "Oh dang. It was probably them hotel beds. You know they feel nothing like a cozy bed," she nervously chuckled.

"I didn't stay in a hotel."

The flight attendant telling us that we landed interrupted our conversation, but we couldn't get off right away so we had a little time.

"Where you going after this?" I asked her to see if we could chill.

"Home? Where else would I be going?" Her sarcastic ass replied.

"Watch that tone," she interrupted me.

"Boy bye. I'm grown. Why you want to know where I'm going?"

"I'm trynna get an invite over." I shrugged.

"Don't you want to go home and freshen up? Relax?"

"I can do all of that at your place. I got clothes."

"You may now exit the plane. Have a great rest of the day and thank you for flying Delta." The flight attendant dismissed the plane.

"I'll send you my address." Faith told me before she stepped in the aisle leaving me behind.

Faith's very adamant about not being seen in public with me. Which lets me know that she's serious about just getting to know me and she isn't interested in the fame.

Walking towards baggage claim, I see Faith standing there waiting for her bags. I want to go over there and show some PDA, help her with her bags and lead her to my car, but I can't. Not yet, at least.

Once I got all of my bags and the rest of my people got theirs, we headed outside where my driver was waiting, along with some paparazzi. Ahead of us I see my crush getting into the car that picked up and leave. Yeah I said crush. I definitely have a thing for Faith. She's going slower than most women I've come in contact with, but, surprisingly, I'm okay with that. I think she's worth the wait.

After dropping my people off where they need to be, I told my driver to head to my house so I could get my car. When I got home I showered real quick and then headed to the address Faith sent me after her calling me a creep because she caught me staring at her at the airport.

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