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"you what?!"

jungkook winced as he heard yelling over the phone.

"you're so fucking stupid, dude. how the fuck is he going to accept your school girl confession now." taehyung screeched over the phone.

jungkook couldn't see him but he was sure taehyung was flapping his arms around like a psychotic duck.

"i don't know, i just couldn't shut my mouth."

taehyung sighed, "where is he then? in the bathroom?"

"he left."

"oh my god jungkook! why are you just sitting around and not going after him?!"

jungkook pouted, "i wanted to give him some space. he did get pretty pissed off earlier."

taehyung huffed, "how are you gonna confront him later, then?"

the brunette scratched the top of his head as his face scrunched up like a bunny. "i don't know yet."

taehyung screeched again. "why am i even friends with you?!"

_| author's note |_
i finally finished my summer assignment even though i had two months to finish it. lol procrastination at its finest. on another note, how is school treating all of you? i'm in  eighth grade and i already wanna leave.

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