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THE WAGON RIDE is silent. The horses' drumming footsteps are the only sounds heard apart from the constant chirp of crickets and other nightly insects. The gentle moonlight guides our path.

Nobody speaks. We just sit in the wagon, squeezed in like sardines in a can, unsure of how to hold a normal conversation in such dire and tragic circumstances.

Thirty minutes pass. I can't stand it anymore.

"Okay I don't know about you guys, but I'm just going to say it..." I speak up and point at the wall worshipper in front of me. "Why is he here?"

Hanji snaps out of her trance. She was looking at a rock in her hand this entire time. She puts it away and smiles, patting the wall worshipper's shoulder. "Pastor Nick and I are old pals! Plus, he knew about the walls way before we did. Isn't that right, buddy?" She grins at him.

A sweat drop slides down Pastor Nick's forehead. He looks pale and highly aware that he's in trouble.

"Hold up," Eren exclaims, "You knew?" He leans over to him. "You knew about the titans in the wall? What else do you know?"

"And why the hell did you keep quiet?" I say cunningly, but quickly reel back. "My bad. Forgot you people are touchy around that word."

I swear I see the corner of the Corporal's mouth twitch. Maybe not a smile. But something close to it.

Hanji sighs. "We'll see how he feels after we give him a harsh dose of reality. Faith keeps him quiet. A first-hand experience, though..."

"To hell with that!" Eren says indignantly. "No, lets do this the hard way. If he knows vital information, he needs to start talking now!" He fixes a glare on Pastor Nick, his voice raising several volumes. "Humanity's on the brink of extinction and all you care about is keeping an oath?"

The dizziness kicks in and Eren tilts to the side. Mikasa and I have to hold him to keep him straight in his seat.

"Eren, relax." I say gently. "You're still recovering."

That seems to work. He nods and calms down, still a bit lightheaded.

"I see someone's got a plan b..." I say once I notice the gun peeking out from under Corporal Levi's jacket. It's been pointed conspicuously at Pastor Nick for a while now.

"I've got other ways of making him talk. But I hope I won't have to blow a hole in his head. It would be awfully messy." Corporal Levi puts simply.

Hanji doesn't seem bothered that her little 'pal' is being threatened. She takes out her rock again and turns it around in her hands, inspecting it carefully.

I sigh and shift a little in my seat. Its going to be a long ride for sure. "So... are we going to pretend Hanji isn't drooling at that rock?"

"Yeah," agrees Corporal Levi. He looks at her questioningly. "Shitty-glasses... Since when are you a geologist?"

𝙃𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙩 || Eren JaegerWhere stories live. Discover now