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He looks up at me, the light in his eyes slowly fading, and he smiles weakly.  

"Ha... you're just like your father."

And just like that... my world stops.

//3 days earlier//

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//3 days earlier//

Sometimes flowers grow in the most unexpected places.

Last night a new memory popped up in my sleep. I've never seen it before. So it struck me as a surprise when I awoke sweaty and dizzy at one in the morning. Its not a substantial chunk of memory, but instead a simple image that flashed vividly in my subconscious.

It was a flower. There was no grass whatsoever, and it was sprouting in the cracks of a concrete path in a dirty, dark alley. Sunlight was practically nonexistent. I could feel the environment in my sleep; unforgiving and cold, sending chills up my body. Definitely not an environment that any nature could thrive in.

And yet, there it was. A single, solitary flower. Fighting the good fight.

Why am I thinking of this right now? Oh, yeah.

A vase on the windowsill of Eren's room holds the same exact flowers. The delicate blue petals sway softly with the breeze traveling in through the open window.

I guess I never noticed how pretty a simple object of nature can be. When you're busy killing titans and fighting for humanity's freedom, you never have the time to stop and admire those fickle yet beautiful parts of life.

"What's on your mind?"

I jump and turn to see Eren sitting up in bed. There's a fresh, well-rested sheen to his complexion. How long was he watching me?

"Idiot... don't do that, you scared me." I say, but I'm hardly mad. Its a relief to see him so healthy after a whole day straight of sleeping.

I sit down on the edge of the bed. "I wasn't thinking very much." I lie casually in response to his question. Compared to all thats happened, my silly musings of flowers and long lost memories is hardly important. "How do you feel?"

"Fine." He says automatically.

I give him a knowing look. "Don't lie."

He half-smiles, amused by my ability to read him. But the gesture is shortlived. "I failed, Johanna... I let her go. Even after putting up a fight, I ended up being weak. Now we'll never get the information out of her."

I sigh. "You shouldn't blame—"

"I'll be honest, though. In the moment," He interrupts, lost deep in his thoughts. He stares at nothing in particular. "It felt good."

This grabs my curiosity. I wait for him to elaborate.

"Giving in to the monster. Abandoning all sense of the human within. My body, my mind... For a minute it was almost like I wanted to die—"

𝙃𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙩 || Eren JaegerWhere stories live. Discover now