~Years of Agony~

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Jungkook finally reached the small village. The air was much livelier, people more normal. Jiseok baffled him enough to start longing for anything which screamed regular. More humane.

He wandered aimlessly before stopping at a small soup house. It was pleasant and cozy space, filled with happy people chattering away. He looked around for vacant space when a guy came forward wearing an apron and brightest smile ever.

"Sorry Sir we are kind of full right now" he apologetically informed. "But if you don't mind you can sit in that far corner table beside the kitchen entrance. Normally the staff uses it while they wait".

Jungkook had no problem. All he wanted was a good meal.

"You have to wait for 10 minutes" the waiter informs while scribbling down his order. "By the way I am Jung Hoseok. You look new face in this not so happening village" Hoseok certainly had a laid back vibe about him.

"I am Jungkook. Actually I have arrived just few hours back. I am a realtor and here for a prospective sale out property".

"Oh...! That's fancy" He grinned while wiggling his eyebrows to show he is impressed. "Why don't you wait before I fetch your order. I am sure you won't mind company. My shift is about to end yay!"

Jungkook watched people running around, doing their own errands. Life seemed more simpler and happily content.

He took out his laptop and memory card, mailing all pics to Namjoon. Checking his inbox for any pending mail. He smiled when he saw Taehyung's posted an old picture of all four of them, his face covered with zombie's emoji. The caption read

"Chilling with new besties. Old one sucked anyway!"

He was about to type some sass away when Hoseok returned.

"Here is our special soup for our special guest!" He placed a laiden tray infront of Jungkook. "I hope you enjoy your meal. Instead of getting your intestines power washed". He chuckled at his own joke.

"I really hope you are joking" Jungkook said before taking a spoonful of spicy soup "No. Its all good. Intestines will thank you later".

"Ok. That went far away" Hoseok said with scrunched nose. "So what brings you here?"

"Told ya. I m here to sale the big old house which is abondoned for a while".

"Which house you are talking about?"

"This one" Jungkook was too busy in enjoying his scrumptious soup so he just slid laptop's screen towards Hoseok.

Hoseok expressions changed from carefree to that of concerned one. "So this is how it looks like".

"What do you mean? This place is not exactly hidden. Took me 15 minutes to reach here." Jungkook slurpped the last of his soup, now turning to plate of fried rice and chicken. "Why a rumour is taken so seriously?"

Hobi was looking at Jungkook intently. This smart guy, as a matter of fact, was dumb enough to lay his foot in cursed place. And then question the obvious.

"Because it is not a rumour. It's reality. A well tested fact. For God knows since when, this place had stayed haunted. And continues to be like this. Why would you think, a well made, modern for its time architecture is not taken?"

"Maybe it was not ready for a serious relationship" Jungkook laughed at his own little joke. Hoseok facepalmed.

"People tried to purchase and then live in that mansion. They all failed. Not because they felt something and got scared. People have heard whispers. They have seen things."

Jungkook was getting creeped out by behavior more than any other entity itself. "It could be caused by hyperactive imaginations subconsciously. Brain is more powerful than you think".

"Tell me jungkook. Didn't you felt anything different while you were there? Any unnatural feeling? Hoseok retorted back. Jungkook remembered the unknown sadness filling his chest. Getting no response he continued. "People who were brave enough to live few days over there, they complained of a boy crying in pain. Someone calling his parents in despair. A sad sobbing figure could be seen sitting in stairs where it vanishes. But the scary part is screams at one specific time of night. Those screams could turn any strongest man insane".

"My great grand father was the first one who tried to inhabitat that mansion. He failed in days. My appa told me that if there was anything his grand father regretted was his inability to help the boy in there. His cries are not to scare the living. The boy himself, to this date is scared". Hoseok finished in solemn. "And that's why Jeon Jungkook, I advise you to stay away from that place. You look like a decent person. Nothing is worth better than your own safety"

Jungkook went into deep thought. Hobi hyung has given him a sincere advice. Maybe he took a wrong decision coming in here.

But what about his deal? He don't want to back off. It will effect his image. Jin hyung will never take him serious if he acted like a scared kid.

"Hyung can you tell me any good hotel here? I think you are right. But I need time to reconsider".

He ended up staying at Hoseok's place for night. Who could ignore the comical company after all.

Whispers from Past |JiKook/KookMin|On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara