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Yukine POV

Today was Sunday I get the day to relax and think about all the dates and who to choose to be my newly wedded. I didn't want to do this honestly but I have to because yui is just gonna go for ayato and not give the other brothers a bloody chance.

I sighed as i got up and got dressed nicely, dragon been awfully quiet lately I wonder why. The demon will start talking when he wants to for now I'm fucking starving! I need food in my stomach...

I walked out and dragged my feet to the kitchen where I saw kanato sitting there eating. I hummed and went to make myself some toast and hot chocolate, I leaned against the bench and ate my toast I remembered my time with kanato, it was pleasant but I passed out sadly which was slightly sad to do but i felt light headed.

I grabbed my hot chocolate and headed to my room and sat down at the desk and started to do some homework for school so I can relax later. I still take my medication for my illness which is getting better that's good for now.

"Yukine you got a minute?" Speak of the devil

"Where the hell have you been" I asked dragon while working, i could feel dragon shrugging but i dont know what dragon looks like so i rely on his tone of voice to judge him and his emotions. "I've been thinking about the decision for your new wedded person I got know how gay marriage works!!!" He says sighing heavily in frustration.

I rolled my eyes at his tone of voice and sighed "why cant I have all of them?" I asked him, he was silent for awhile before groaning in frustration which made me snicker in amusement.

"Come on dragon" I said

"It doesnt work like that yukine!! You have to pick one!!" Dragon said in a serious tone.

"Screw the fuckinf rules I'm gonna choose all of them because....itll be amusing to watch the brothers fight over me and other shit" I said smirking widely, i knew dragon didnt like the idea but it was interesting to watch and I'll be nearby eating popcorn.

"Your so cruel yukine...." dragon says and I shrugged and finished my homework. I stretched my arms as I heard my door open and saw reiji wearing something formal that ain't no surprise there he is strict but theres his child side which he rarely shows.

"What is it reiji?" I asked

"Get dressed, we are going to be having a family dinner and our father is coming over to find who your choosing as your husband" he says, I could hear the hint of fear in his voice probably thinking that I wont chose him. But I have a idea for the sakamaki brothers but they'll have to wait until dinner lol.

"Alright reiji-san" I said and he closes the door, I sighed and got dressed into a casual dark purple shirt, an buttonless vest, some slight ripped Jeans and some runners. There that should do yay.....

I walked out and went to the dining room where ayato and Subaru were fighting again, reiji was scolding them, shu and kanato were sitting at the table and laito was harassing yui again. No surprise at all, I took my place and sat down which was in between Subaru and shu when we all sit down but it wasnt time yet so I just laid back and relaxed. I put in earphone and watched nanatsu no taizai because it's my favourite anime.

My favourite character would be ban because hes immortal and hes funny and sarcastic. He and meliodas are like brothers but I know meliodas as one brother (A/N: i know this because I read the manga so SPOLIERS!!!!!)

I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to see ayato there with a small smirk "have you decided?" He asked, I nodded in response but i didn't speak because all their father knows is that I'm silent and that i dont speak often unless i COMPLETELY trust them, i only speak to yui just to tell her to shut up that's it really.

Ayato was trying to get me to tell him who I was choosing but I remained silent until the guest of honour arrives which is karl great. I glanced at the entry every now and again and saw karl walk in with his servants, his eyes landed on me and gave a gentle smile at me.

I just gave him a nod and relaxed, everyone sat at the table and started to eat. Karl was talking to reiji about some business but reiji wasnt really interested in what his father was saying, I was zoned out but I could hear everything just wont respond to it. "Yukine" I heard kanato says and I looked at him.

"Yes kanato" I said monotone

"Have you decided on a husband" karl asked me and I nodded and points to all the brothers. Less to say they were shocked and looked at each other "you want all?" Ayato asked and I gave him a nod.

Laito smirks "it seems we all have to share mute-kun~" he says smirking, I rolled my eyes at him as karl laughs at him and looks at me and smirks widely.

"Very well yukine, you can have all my sons but they are now your responsibility" he says and I smiled mischievously at him.

"Your their father, you hold more responsibility than me" I said and went back to eating, yui was silent the entire time which caught my attention. I could tell that she was upset that she didnt get ayato like she wanted but hey life isnt fair ya know. I knew that and experienced it, huh karma is biting yui on the ass again.

Everyone was in the game room having fun while I was kicking shu ass in pool. Laito kept flirting with me and ayato telling him to back off, I mentally sighed at them and hit the ball into the hole sinking it, kanato and Subaru were watching and reiji was reading a book. I was bored as all hell but I wasnt interested into dojng that at the moment.

Maybe do movie night or game night like these which are fun and everyone gets along and theres no serious fights over me "whatcha thinking about silent" ayato asked

I gave him a smile "about how things will go from now on and how you six will share me" I said with a smirk and ayato laughed a bit.

"We'll figure that out soon yukine" he says and kisses my cheek and cuddles me earning 5 other glares from everyone else. I laughed a bit and snuggled into him and smiled widely. But I knew one thing is that karl will be planning the wedding and I have to kiss 6 vampires and the honeymoon which I'm not looking forward too.

I sighed and went to sit down and relax and watched everyone enjoy themselves.


I was in the dress room wearing the white suit because I refused to wear a fucking dress, I didn't have any brides maids or grooms because I dont really trust anyone besides the sakamaki brothers but they are all at the alter......lovely.

I saw karl walked in and smiled "you look very stunning yukine" he says smiling, I sighed and looked at the mirror and adjusted my tie a bit. I walked towards karl and we walked out and went to the main area, I was a bit nervous to say the least but I never think I would get married so soon thou.

I sighed and went to the altar as everyone stared at me some were girls staring at me in rage but I glared back and flips them off, I stood in the middle on the brothers 3 on each side of me and the priest says the stupid speech and the vows of being together forever and ever.......that's a big fat lie there.

I sighed and turned to the others and closed my eyes and waited, I felt lips on mine and I kissed by and i did that 6 times. Yes the wedding is boring because theres nothing much to talk about the event and the party I just wanna go home and relax.

But I cant and had to stay behind for the party so yea that's kinda boring. I know because this isnt the first time I've been to a wedding, I went to my cousins wedding and I was bored. But hey at least the brothers will be my entertainment for the rest of my years alive.......

I smiled happily my eyes going pink as I watched everyone enjoying themselves...... and this was a happy ending after all...

"Even the dangerous of people can change for the better good"



But this is my first harem chapter and there is no lemon because of my phobia so use your imagination okay!

Anyways vote and comment and as always bye bye

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