"Because I am. It's fucking freezing in here."

Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around Levi again. Pulling him in to my chest, and waiting for a reaction.

When he said nothing, I proceeded to nuzzle his head with my chin. Bringing my hands upwards to hug his neck.

"You sure are affectionate," he commented.

"Why not? You only live once, and you shouldn't waste any moments you have with someone you love."

Levi didn't make any comments on my sudden emotional you-only-live-once lecture. And I felt slightly embarrassed.


"Why be sorry? You spoke the truth."

"But a lot of people don't like the truth."

"I like the truth."

"Even rude comments?"

"Now who would dare say anything rude to me?"

"I did."

Levi sighed, and the movement of his body caused his head to brush against my neck and tickle my chin.

"Shut up. I don't care about the past anymore"

I nodded against his head. Agreeing with him.

 Closing my eyes, I smiled. Falling into a dreamless sleep.


"Hey, Eren. Wake up."

I tore my eyes open to find Levi hovering only inches from my face. Making me flinch away.

"W-what do you want?" I asked. Covering my reddening cheeks with my hands.

"I was going to ask you if you would join me for breakfast."

My mouth hung open, and I nodded hastily. "Yes! Of course!"

Levi swung his legs off the side of the bed. Hopping off with the largest amount of grace I have ever seen, and leaving the room without even waiting for me.

Quickly, I followed. Ruffling my hair slightly.

So I just go in what I'm in? Or do I dress? I don't know, but I'll just leave.

I pushed the door open, and scanned the slightly dim hallway. Noticing that there were windows in this hallway, I looked outside only to see a public garden below. It wasn't as unique as Levi's, but it was still beautiful.

"Are you coming any time soon?"

"Oh-" I looked behind me to see Levi standing a few feet away.

"Um, yeah. I just got side-tracked," I said sheepishly.


The raven grasped my hand, tugging me through the maze-like hallway setup. It was smart, since intruders would get very confused, but was easy to remember with the right teachings due to marks hidden around on the multiple turns.

Levi didn't even have to look at them, he just wound around all the twists and turns like nothing. Probably because he has been living here.

Soon enough, I found myself awkwardly seated at a large table. People scuttling around the room took obvious double-takes when they saw me. Even going to the lengths of muttering to themselves, or others.

The raven seemed displeased at the attention I was receiving. Making sure to seat himself next to me just in case. I didn't mind him doing that, but glaring at people was unnecessary.

Forget The Past (Ereri)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن