Chapter 3 - Hatred

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Levi's P.O.V:

Walking away from the brunet, I couldn't help but limp. The brat has some aim.

He probably inherited it from his father. The man was a great shot. Killed some of my best soldiers with his damned weapons. But his son is more of a blade user. I found that out three years ago.

Suddenly, my foot twisted and I fell down a slick hill of mud into a creek. Letting out a breath of air from the unexpected fall.

"God dammit," I muttered. Eyes falling on the painful twist to my ankle being engulfed by the cool, creek water. Causing a shiver to ripple through my spine.

As if my limp could get worse.

Suddenly realizing I had some things in my pocket to alert soldiers of my whereabouts, I patted my front pocket. Stomach dropping when I felt nothing but torn cloth.

I was about to lash out at the air when I heard a cough. Looking behind me, I saw a pale Eren looking at my state with droopy eyes.

"What in the absolute fuck are you doing here? I told you I'd come back," I hissed through gritted teeth. I was already pissed at myself for my klutzy move.

"I was worried," He said simply. Like it was nothing.

"Who said you could worry about me?" I growled. Turning towards the brunette.

His soft, almost sleepy, expression hardened. "Who said I was worried about you?"

I scoffed, and tried to stand upright. But due to my highly injured state, and the weight of water in my clothing, I fell back down. Muttering curses as I tried again, and again.

Eren sat down and watched with an amused face.

"Are you going to sit there and do nothing but watch?!" I yelled. Starting to crawl instead of walk, which caused even more pain due to the sharp rocks littering the bottom of the creek.

"Sure. Why not?"

I rolled my eyes, and collapsed on the solid ground at least five feet away from the creek.

Hearing some splashing noises, I looked up and saw that Eren was scrubbing his wounds clean. Wrapping them back up in a messy fashion. Not even wringing the dripping cloth wrapped around his shoulder.

"Looks like you need some help," Eren said with a chuckle. Splashing me with a handful of water.

I spat at him, and began working at patching my own injuries. My short cloak was long gone. Used for bandages, a washing cloth, and a gauze for my ankle.

Eren stood up and trudged over to a clearing. Falling to his knees before lying in the green grass with a yawn. Placing his head on his hands and looking up at the darkening sky.

Sipping some of the water to bite back dehydration, I laid myself at least a couple yards away from the man. Placing my injured ankle on a small boulder jutting out of the ground.

"How long do you think we are going to be here?" Eren asked suddenly.

I looked over at the pair of eyes next to me. The brat seemed to have moved over four feet closer. Leaving a slight gap between us.

"How ever long it takes my men to find me, and take me home," I replied. Crossing my arms across my chest and sighing.

"What about my people? What if they come instead of your own?"

I bit my bottom lip. Not knowing what to say. I knew what I was going to do when I was found. Get home, properly deal with my injuries, kill off Eren, and finally claim his land.

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