Chapter 8 - Home

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Eren's P.O.V:

I lay in bed, wondering what my kingdom was doing.

Did they get information that I was here? Or do they think I'm still out in the woods?

I shook my head.

Levi's wedding will happen on Tuesday.

Today's Thursday. I have five days. Five days for what? I don't know. All I know is that I'm probably going to attend.

It's Levi's big day. And what kind of friend would I be not to attend?

Ah, I just don't like the idea of him with Petra.

Maybe I like her?

I shook my head. I most definitely don't have feelings for her. The idea of kissing her made me cringe. I couldn't see it happening. Not one bit.

What was I so irritated about, then?

It could possibly be the fact that I lost Mikasa.


I shouldn't envy other couples. That isn't a good thing for me to do.

With a sigh. I placed a pillow above my head. I'm not used to beds anymore. The grass felt nice. And... I just feel alone.

Maybe... I got used to sleeping around another person? I don't know. My mind keeps battling itself. And it hurts since I can't come up with a simple conclusion.

I lifted the pillow from my head. Placing it back where it belonged, and swinging my feet over the bed. Standing upright, and striding over to the desk. Where I grabbed the chair and dragged it over to the window. Sitting down, and placing my head on my arms.

The window was open, fortunately, and a nice breeze caressed my cheeks. Reminding me of my simple childhood, when I would sit in front of the window on restless nights and think.

I don't know how long I sat there, but I closed my eyes. Thinking of the wedding, and how I would scowl once they kissed.


"Hey. Wake up. That isn't good for your back."

My eyes refused to open. So with a groan, I rubbed the sleep from them. Groggily looking up at a blonde lady wearing what looked like a maid outfit.

"Eh? Who are you?" I asked. Yawning with a stretch. Earning a satisfying pop from my back due to my awkward sleeping position.

"I'm Clara. Levi was busy and sent me here to tend to your needs of any sort," she said with a bow.

"Oh," I said. Slightly disappointed I wouldn't be seeing Levi any time soon.

"Would you like any brunch?" Clara asked.

"Sure?" I said quietly. My response sounding more like a question due to the word "brunch" being used instead of breakfast.

She bowed again, leaving the room with a steady clack of heels.

I slumped in my chair. Rubbing my cold face as the morning breeze licked my hair, making it messier than it was.

"Hah. I did that while I was younger too," I said with a smirk. Although when I did fall asleep in front of the window I was usually punished back then.

I returned to my sleeping position. Looking outside while trying to recall my dream. I need a hint from the real world to find out what it was. It would usually be someone or something that was in my dream, and I would remember it in clear, vivid memories.

The door opened, and I looked over my shoulder. Seeing Clara holding a large platter of different foods including: buttered bread, some kind of soup, and a fizzy, brown-colored drink.

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