“What if it’s a girl,” Sam asks the room. “What about Ruth,” Dean asked. “I’m not naming my baby after a candy bar.” “I’ve always liked Winnie,” Jo responded. You look at Sam who holds back a laugh. “Little Winnie Winchester? Sorry Jo but I don’t want her to be bullied.” “Fair enough.” Sam puts his head on your shoulder, “what about Mary?”

“I’ve always liked that one,” you look over as he kisses your cheek.

“Just do me a favor and don’t name him Joe because every time I hear that name I think of little Sammy up on that stage in ‘Our Town’.” Sam’s face grows red, “you do NOT remember that.” Dean smiles as he imitates a newspaper boy holding up a paper, “extra! Extra! Read all about it!” “Stop it!” Sam’s head falls in his hands in a room full of laughter. “I bet you were adorable,” you push him in the arm. 

“But if it is a boy just look out y/n because you are going to be busy chasing him around. Make sure he doesn’t watch too many cartoons so he thinks he can fly when he jumps off the garage.” You smile and look at Sam, “now I had an ass of an older brother to blame for that one. However, he did take me to the hospital on his handlebars cause I broke my arm.” “You gonna tell her what we were wearing as well?” “OH! That’s the best part! I five finger discounted a couple of costumes after Halloween. I was Batman…cause well come on. Anyway and little Sammy was Superman.” “That’s why I thought I could fly.” “So see, an ass of a brother.”

“I love that story. You have to admit though that you were always there for each other.” “Yeah,” they both say looking at each other. “So I should make sure the next one is a girl.” Sam looks at you, “next one?” You shrug your shoulders slightly, “why not?” His lower lip quivers and a tear forms in his eye, “I love you so much right now.” You move a hand to his face, cupping his jaw, “I love you too.” Your foreheads touch and a bright flash goes off. You both turn to see Bobby with an old camera in his hand. “Really,” you look at him. “You’ll thank me later.”

The house phone rings and you hear Bobby chattering on it, “Rufus says congratulations on the baby.” “Thank you Rufus,” you answer back. “One thing I do have to say about the Winchester boys,” you slap Sam on his knee, “they are tough sons of guns.” Everyone laughs and cheers. Little by little some guests leave and you get a virtual email from Charlie saying that the present is in the mail. You thanked her back and hoped that she’d come by and see the baby after its born.

You thanked Bobby for the party and Jo and Ellen for cleaning up. Sam helped you up from the couch so you could hug everyone. Castiel gave you an awkward one because he didn’t know how to maneuver around your belly. You laughed because it was so cute and you made your way to the car. It was night already and you saw Dean helping Sam load the last bit of gifts. Once they were done you saw them hug and you wondered where Bobby was with his camera.

Sam came back to you and you kinda waved him off because you could get into a car. You slowly slid down into the seat and Sam closed the door. You rolled down the window because Dean was still standing there. “Thanks for everything tonight Dean, especially the stories.” He leaned down, “no problem y/n. Next time I’ll tell you about when Sam went bald thanks to a little Nair in his shampoo bottle.” “You didn’t!” He laughed and Sam got in the other side, “Bye Jerk!” Dean looked across you to Sam, “Bitch!”

You both waved as Sam drove away. “Did I ever tell you how much I love your family?” “No but we’re not really a-“ “Sam, what happened tonight, you cannot tell me we are not a family. There was so much love in that house and everyone would do anything for the other. I’m so lucky to have you as my husband and we are finally going to bring a little one into this world and into this family.” Sam moves his hand over and takes yours.

You rested your eyes and when you opened them Sam had lifted you out of the car and carried you to the bed. When he set you on the bed you opened your eyes and looked into his. He smiled and tried to move backward but your hands were around his neck. He slid his shoes off and moved to your side. He moved an inch away from your face and you closed your eyes again. You felt his hand move down your side and to your belly.

A couple of days later and all the gifts were proudly displayed in the baby’s room. You rubbed your belly as you stood in the doorway, “soon my love, soon.” You heard the mailman go by and you slid your shoes on. “Where are you going,” Sam came around the corner. “Just to get the mail.” “I’ll do it,” he smiled and was in and out in no time. You were kind of jealous how fast he could get around but he wasn’t carrying a baby either.

He handed a envelope addressed to you from Bobby. Wondering what was inside you opened it and pulled something out. Flipping it over and discovering it was the photo Bobby took at the shower. You smiled until your face hurt and a tear rolled down your cheek. “What is it babe,” Sam came around and peaked over our shoulder.

His hands rubbed at your shoulders and you moved to the fridge. Placing a couple of magnets on the corners you looked at the beautiful photo of you and Sam sitting on the couch, staring into each other’s eyes with the color of the sunset behind you. You made a mental note to call Bobby and thank him for the wonderful photo. Smiling you made your way to the couch with Sam sitting beside you. He picked up the book from the table and laid his head in your lap. “Hey baby, its daddy. We’re gonna pick up from chapter five, “Usually, at the morning ritual when the family members told their dreams, Jonas didn’t contribute much. He rarely dreamed. Sometimes he awoke with a feeling of fragments afloat in his sleep, but he couldn’t seem to grasp them and put them together into something worthy of telling at the ritual.” You listened and put your hand on top of your perfect protruding tummy with your baby kicking away at the sounds of Sam reading ‘The Giver’ by Lois Lowry.


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