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You skip to the corner and look down one sidewalk then the other. Smiling to think who is about to meet you there. Your phone buzzes and you check it out. You type something back and before you put your phone back you feel hand cover your eyes. "That had better be you Sam." His hands slide down as you spin around and look at his face, "hey you." "Hey you," he bends over and kisses the top of your head. "Shall we go?" He gestures down the sidewalk, "we shall."

You walked so close with him and he draped his arm around your shoulder. Since the two of you met in a coffee shop they have had special meaning when the two of you walk into one. He opens the door for you as you do a small curtsey thing you move inside with him behind you. The hostess takes you to a table were you sit across from him. You know what you want but it's not on the menu. Once the orders are taken the banter begins.

He recalls that first cup of coffee you both shared. Well shared would be a stretch of the word. More like his coffee and you turned quickly and spilled his cup down his front. "I'm so sorry!" You get some napkins and pat at his chest. "Its okay. Except for the stinging but I'm okay." "I can't believe that happened. Are you sure you're okay?" He taps your wrist and you look up, "I'll be fine." You try not to blush, "I'll get you another. What did you have?" "A triple redeye." You tilt your head, "really? That'll kill you." He laughs a bit and you pat him, "one triple redeye coming up."

You go to the counter and give your order. The barista saw what happened and already started to make another one. She didn't charge you for the remake to which you thanked her. Taking his coffee to him, "thank you..." "Y/N," you stick out your hand. He takes it, "Sam." You still look at him the same way with all that love in your eyes and he looks the same way back.

The waitress brings your food and sets it in front of each of you. "Smells delicious," you say with your nose moving over top your plate. Sam leans in, "not as good as you." You look up immediately and raise a brow, "down tiger." You stab at your food and raise it to your lips, "save it for later." He runs his tongue over his lips, "okay then." You laugh a little, "that," you make a circle around him, "that's why I love you." He reaches out and takes your hand, "love you too."

"I have to use the bathroom," you stroke his hand, "I'll be back." You go into a stall and relieve yourself. You wash your hands then return to the table. His words in your head but you come back to an empty table. You look at where your plate was and see a note. Picking it up and looking at the words, "Sorry I had to leave Dean came and got me for a job. I'll make it up to you, promise, Love Sam." You sigh, "well nearly a full date night."

You grab your things and make your way to the car. Seeing your phone still in there you rolled your eyes as you forgot your phone once more. Once you slide into your seat you unlock it to see a couple of messages from Sam. Ones an apology for leaving but he can't go into details and will explain more later. Starting up the car you drive back to your place. Another message is sent as you put your things down and close the door. He says that they have to go out of state and hopes I made it home safe. You respond that you did and for him to be safe as well as his brother. He responded with he'll be thinking about you and as long as he's with his brother things will be fine.

You sleep that night thinking of him and wondering what they are doing. You picture them driving in the car and headed to a job. You hope they dress up because Sam looks good in a suit. You sleep soundly and are rudely awaken by your alarm. Hitting the snooze only to have your phone go off. You absently hit the side to make it stop. Then it goes off again and you roll over and pull it to your face. Staring at the screen all you see is a message saying I'm sorry.

Nearly shaking you open it up and read. It's from Sam's phone but it starts: "Hey its Dean, not sure if you have my number but I have something to tell you. I'll be by later tonight." Closing out that message you lay awake wondering what he needed to talk to you about. Then your heart sinks because he used Sam's phone. What happened to him? You get up and get ready. Trying to think of other things you bake some cookies and make some lunch after a bit.

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