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"aishh!! how could you feel guilty?! it's not even your fault! i'm the one who chose to save you" chaesoo hit jin a few times

"uh oh! ouch! it hurts noona, stop it!" jin pleaded

"wh-what did you say?" chaesoo immediately stopped and looked at him, surprised.

"noona. chaesoo noona" jin said with a teasing voice and winked at her.

"oohh my goddd, how much i miss thaaaat!" chaesoo cried and hugged jin tightly and ruffled his hair. jin struggled to escape and pushed her away.

"ahh really? i'm not that little jin anymore noona. i'm a grown up and handsome jin now" jin adjusted his hair and smirked widely at chaesoo. lucky they're at a closed place or jin will be see as a weird guy talking alone.

"yucks. i never thought the little boy i've took care of grown up to be this self-absorbed" chaesoo cringed at him.

"yeah, i never expected it too. but well, i believe i get it from you anyway" jin shrugged and both of them laughed.

"seriously, i can't believe fate brought us here" she smiled and looked at jin.

"it just, amazing" he nodded and smiled too.

"OH MY GOD! WE FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!" chaesoo suddenly shouted,which only jin can hear it.

"what the hell? what is i-" jin can't even finish his sentence when chaesoo suddenly pulled him towards the coffee shop door and out of the door. everyone inside the coffee shop looked at him weirdly.

"aishh, kids nowdays. too much imagination" the mint-haired bartender looked at jin and shooked his head. then, continued to make the caramel machiato.

"whoa whoa chaesoo, where are we going? why you want to hurry up so much?" jin panted when they arrived at their apartment lobby. the coffee shop is just in front of the building so they can get back to the apartment easily.

"we got no time to waste. come, fast!" chaesoo didn't reply to him, instead continue dragging him, now towards the elevator.

"oh god, what have i done to deserve such torture" jin groaned and followed her.

out of the elevator, chaesoo quickly headed to jin's unit.

"quick! open the door" chaesoo instructed him.

"okay, okay, relax chae" jin sighed and scanned the access card.

"what did you said?" chaesoo glared at jin.

"ops, sorry, i mean chaesoo noona" jin smiled sheepishly and open his house door. chaesoo rushed in and went inside his room. jin just followed by his corner of eyes as the first thing he decide to do is lie on the couch.

"i'm. so. exhausted." he exhale under his breath and tried to catch up with his breathe.

"I FOUND IT!" chaesoo cheered and run towards jin.

"god, why is she so loud" jin complained.

"after 9 years of waiting, now i get to give it to you, face to face. here, personally made for you" chaesoo smiled cheekily and handed the pink pastel box to jin.

jin eyed the box anxiously. he wanted to open the box badly before, but he respected chaesoo. so, didn't opened it without her permission. now, he get the chance but he is just so nervous to discover what's inside the box.

jin slowly accept the box with his heart thumping loudly.

"go on, open it" chaesoo encouraged him. he calmed himself and open the box slowly.

inside the box, there's a book with hand-written cover which wrote 'Our Memory'. jin took out the book and hold it gently. he flipped to the first page, revealing a picture of a teenage girl and a little boy holding hands at a park. the girl seemed to be happy but the boy frowned.

at the bottom of the picture a caption is written. 'our first encounter at the park. you won't smile as you hate camera'. jin chuckled remembering the memory. he really hate taking pictures when he was a boy. maybe because he was chubby once so he felt like all pictures of him were ugly.

the next page, a picture of the same teenage girl with the same little boy, both holding an ice cream with a cheerful expression. the caption wrote 'this is our everyday activity, eating cookies and cream ice cream while strolling at the park!' jin eyes started to water but he tried hold on.

the next pages unfolds many of their memories together making jin starts to gain back his memories about chaesoo. tears trickled down his cheeks as he was so happy as he was given a chance again to meet one of the important person in his life again.

"im glad, noona" jin exhale a breath and smiled to chaesoo.

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