"Wait," I said, shifting my body so I was now facing him. "Are you implying that you're going to take this tumor out?" His face was freshly shaved, a trace of minty scent still emanated from his pores. His oceans found my light brown eyes only to give me one of his infamous grins.

"I'll try, yes." My eyes must've lit up like Christmas lights, reflecting every single bit of excitement my body held. "You're very welcome in the gallery." He let out a small chuckle, smiling at my passion towards medicine. "I would love to have you in the OR, but regarding the fact that it is a very complicated surgery, I'll have colleagues help me out, and they wouldn't be so happy about me giving you a spot over the interns." He explained, pulling me closer to him.

I took the opportunity to roll over him, my legs straddling his sides. My hands ran up and down his chest, slowly, enjoying the electricity he still managed to transmit with every single contact we shared. Tracing my fingertips up to the base of his neck, they finally found rest at his jaw and cheekbones, caressing every single bit of space they could find.

I shifted my stare towards his eyes, my favorite ocean looking back at me intently. He reflected nothing but complicity. His hands found my hips as he traced small circles against my flesh. I felt my body tense and relax under this touch, welcoming the wave of heat his hands emanated. No matter how less foreign his hold became, my body still reacted as if it were my first time melting into him.

I finally lowered my lips to his, dissolving into him. His answer was tender, there was no rush in the moment. We enjoyed each other's brims, wanting to forget where his lips finished and mines started.

I parted our distance momentarily, only to let out the words 'thank you', which he answered with joining our lips once again.

We stayed lazily in bed for a few moments, soft talk began to burden. After half an hour had passed, we decided it'd be ideal to get breakfast so we could start with our Saturday classes.

December was just around the corner, so was Christmas and New Years. I had spent thanksgiving's dinner with Kate and Chris. It was a surprise to know that, just like Kate and I, Chris's relatives lived outside town, therefore we kept each other company. Jacob and Sam arrived later, adding up to the celebration after spending time with their own families.

After that, I brought my left overs to Ethan's -who was thankful because he had been working all day at the hospital- and stayed the night.

The raw transition from fall to winter also implied finals at their highest expression. This past month had been crazy busy, I had been taught by Ethan every single Saturday as he promised, so Friday nights were our little pyjama parties. He also took me to the hospital as much as he could. Most of my visits were from the gallery, but it was still brain-watering.

Thinking back, the amount of information I had absorbed from Ethan in just this past month was mind-blowing. It was almost unbelievable how good he was at explaining -even though his only previous experience was teaching interns about surgery-. He was enchanting in every single way possible, and he knew it.

"What about the Cerebellous Aferences?" His husky voice resonated through the room. We were in his study, coffee in hand as we had lost track of time sharing information.

He happened to own a whiteboard in his art-room, so we had picked this location for the study sessions to take place. "Aferences of the spinal cord fibers are homolateral." I had a nervous system final exam next Monday, and we had been preparing for a while now, besides him teaching me about more advanced topics.

"That's right." He had flawlessly drawn the whole nervous system on the board for my better understanding. "I think we're done here." He said, taking off his ogling worthy of glasses.

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