Chapter 43

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Elsa's P.O.V

"Alright everyone, we have to discuss about how we'll get the clues from the police station." I said sternly. Everyone put on a thinking face. What can we possibly do.?

"Wait, what if we call Wendy.? Doesn't she run all the police stations in this country.?" said Punzie. I nodded & got my phone out & called her.

Wendy used to live back at Headquarters when she was about 15. She lived with her two siblings since they didn't want to be separated. She would always help around & when she finally turned 20, she had the option of staying in the agency or leaving. She decided to go to England to settle down for a while, but she would still help out in case we needed her. I was only 10 back then. Now she has 2 kids, a girl & a boy.

"Hello.?" I heard on the other side of my phone. I almost forgot I was calling her.

"Hey Wendy, it's me Elsa."

"Elsa.? Oh my god, I can't believe it.! I missed you & the girls so much.!" She said squealing in excitement. I chuckled.

"We miss you, too."

"So what are you doing in England.? I know you only call when you need help." Harsh..

"Actually we were kinda hoping you would let was know which police station has the clues from the murders that have been happen back in the US."

She stayed silent for a while. "Y-You know about that.?"

"Umm...yeah. Actually it was on the news, but I feel like those clues were meant for us."

I could hear whispers from the other side, "Elsa. I think you need to come over to my place quick." She said in a serious yet worried tone. "Alright.?" I said in more of a question & then she hung up.

Everyone just stared at me, wondering what Wendy said. "Oh yeah, she wants us to go to her place. She didn't say why but she did have a serious tone." I said, they all nodded. We went to the garage & there we have 8 motorcycles. 4 for us & the other 4 for the guys. We all got on them, based on our favorite color, & we all drove off to Wendy's house.

Wendy's P.O.V

This is bad, this is very bad. I don't think Elsa will like seeing the clues. They are just horrifying & I finally found out what they all mean. My thought were interrupted when I hear a knock at my door. "Jane, can you please get that.!" I called out to my 10 year old daughter. She nodded & went to get the door.

"Hello, is your mother home.?" I heard a familiar voice say. I went to the front door & saw Elsa, Merida, Anna, & Punzie there along with some other boys. I went over & hugged the girls. "It's been a long time, hasn't it.?" I said smiling. They nodded in response & smiles back.

"Jane, go upstairs to your brother, it's going to be an adult meeting." I said & she nodded. Although the girls aren't adults, they look like it. We all went to the kitchen & they sat down at the table. I went to get the clues I got & brought it to the kitchen.

"So I looked at the clues & the pictures where the clues were found, & I noticed that they all belong to one person." I showed Elsa & the others the clues. Elsa put on a confused look.

"But these are part of Minnie's clothes & jewelry." said Elsa.

"What do you think it means.?" asked Anna.

I let out a sigh, "My best guess is that whoever did this is threatening to kill Minnie next."

That's when the girls got even more confused. They continued looking at the clues & the pictures.

"He has Minnie, he kills innocent people, & leaves her clothes at the crime scene. What does it mean.?" Mumbled Elsa, but loud enough for me to hear. I was confused when she said that 'he has Minnie' but then I remembered that I got a call from the agency telling me that we have a new enemy named Pitch & that he turned Minnie to his side.

I wonder what this could all mean.

"Elsa, what if she's been trying to fight her evil side.? Maybe she was able to do it & Pitch found out." said the white haired boy. I think he's one of the Guardian agents, along with the other 3 boys.

"If that happened then Minnie is in danger. We need to find her.!" Exclaimed Elsa. They got up & were about to run out the door but then the lights went out & I heard a scream from upstairs. "Jane.?!" I yelled worriedly.

The last thing I remember was seeing a dark figure approaching Elsa & the others before passing out.

Cliffhanger.! Haha well there you have it, chapter 43.

Well I finally got better & forgot my problem with the help of my friends & my cousin.

Tomorrow school is starting & I am very nervous because I am starting my freshmen year /).(\ I seriously have no idea what's gonna happen so I hope it'll be fun ^-^

So now that school is gonna start, I might not be able to update daily because I get tired after school, but since it's the first week I might be able to update.

I'm sorry for the long wait & a short crappy chapter but it was really hard to choose what to write & what to happen. But the good news & that the Grand Battle is about to happen.! That's what I'm calling it, Grand Battle xD

I might end this story at chapter 65 or 70. I'm not sure yet, but I already have planned what I'm gonna do for the sequel so hopefully you'll enjoy it ^•^

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please comment & vote. Take care & I'm out :D

Beware Of The Enemy [Discontinued]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon