Chapter 6

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Elsa's P.O.V

We took the guys to our training room. They want us to show them what we can do, we'll do it. This might be a chance for them to show who's boss but for us, it's just payback for all they did to us. "Alright, so who's going first.?" I asked. We looked over at the guys. "I think I'd like to go against Flynn." Said Punzie. She told me that she was afraid of him but she would love to stand up against him one day & this is probably her only day to do it. Flynn nodded & they got in the middle of the room.

They both started fighting, Punzie was practically beating the living crap out of him.! He couldn't even lay a finger on her.!

~after 15 minutes~

"Ok ok.! Stop.! It hurts.!" Yelled Flynn in pain. Punzie smirked & walked over to us happily. She gave us all high fives. After seeing what Punzie did to Flynn, I totally would love going against Jack. "I want to go against Kristoff.!" Said Anna in such a happy tone. Kristoff chuckled & nodded. Anna doesn't look, and I repeat look, like someone strong but trust me, she is. "Be careful Anna. Don't get hurt." I told her. "Don't worry Elsie, I won't." She smiles & went to the middle of the room.

~10 minutes later~

"Had enough yet.?!" Said Anna. She had Kristoff pinned against the floor, her foot on his back, & his hand twisted back. "Yes yes.! Please just stop.!" Anna smiles & let's him go. She skips back happily. "Good job Anna. I knew you could hurt him." I said chuckling. "Thanks.! Now who's going next.?" I looked at Merida, asking her if she would want to go against Hiccup. She shook her head & whispered over to me, "Hiccup hasn't really done anything to me, it's that Frost boy I wanna go up against." We both get bullied by Jack. Mostly me, so I decided to let him choose who to go against.

"Alright Jack, who do you want to go against.? Me or Merida.?" He took some time to thing & after a few seconds he said, "I think I'll go up against you Menzel. Let's see what you got." I smirked & nodded. We both went up in the middle of the room, oh how I waited for this moment.

~3 minutes later~

I had jack pinned against the floor. I was sitting on his back, twisting his arm. I've punched him so many times, much more than he ever punched me. All of that in under 5 minutes. That's how angry I was. I hid this anger from him & now I finally got it out. "Ouch.! Stop let go.! You win alright.?!" I smirked & let him go. "Seems like you boys can't even take a punch from a girl. A girl who you bullied for 3 years." I went back to the girls & they all high fived me.

"Whatever, just show us around this place." Said Flynn in an annoyed voice. Although I could hear little pain in his voice, probably still hurting from Punzie. Oh well, their fault for hurting us first.

"Alright come on. This place is huge & after the tour we need to explain how we're gonna work together." They all nodded. We walked out of the room & started the tour.

~after tour~

"Woah, you girls really have a lot of rooms here. How do you remember where everything is.?" Asked Hiccup.

"Well sometimes we forget, so we just check the map we have." answered Merida.

"You have a map.?"

"Yeah, we all carry one with us, or we just have it on our phones."

Hiccup continued asking questions & Merida answered them. We got back to our room & the guys all sat on the couch. "So do you girls live here.?" asked Kristoff who was still in pain. "No we have our own house, but we only stay here during the weekends or during any school breaks." I answered. He nodded. "So do you guys have any other questions.?" They all shook their heads.

"Alright so this is how we will work together. We need to find out what we're good at. What weapons we can use, & the attacking moves we do. But before we check that, do you guys have should I put this without sounding crazy...special gifts.?" The guys looked at me confused. I looked at the girls. "Let's show them." They nodded & we all got up.

We all put our left hand out & show them our power.

Jack's P.O.V

The girls got up & put their left hand out. All of a sudden I see a snowflake on top of Elsa's palm,
Water forming on Anna's, fire forming on Rapunzel's, and a small little tornado on Merida's. They all have powers. But I thought we were the only ones. We all have the same powers. This is just weird. Too weird. Is this why we were put together.?

"So, do you guys have any.?" Elsa asked. We all nodded. "Well show us."

We got up & put out left hands out, doing the same as they did. I had ice & snow powers, Kristoff had water, Flynn had fire, & Hiccup had Wind. The girls looked at us shocked.

"So who will we work with.?" I asked with a slight smirk.

End of chapter.! Haha well hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter. So I decided that I would post 3 chapters a day until I get writers block, get busy, or when school starts (which I'm not ready for). Here are the questions:

If you could have any power, what would they be.?

What's your favorite movie.?

Please feel free vote & comment. Take care & I'm out :D

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