Chapter 36

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Jack's P.O.V

I see Elsa staring at that guy and I can't help but feel jealously. Why am I jealous.? He's a lot older than her, she can't fall for him....can she.? "E-Elsa.?" said the man. Who is he.?

"P-Papa.?" said Elsa. Wait, papa.? These man is..Elsa's father.? They both had tears in their eyes & they embraced in a hug & Elsa bursts into tears.

"But I thought you were dead. How could you still be alive.?" she said between tears.

"It's a long story. Come on, let's go somewhere more quiet." Elsa nodded & she looked at me. "Jack, you go on & tell Anna the good news. If I need help I'll be sure to call you." I nodded & I hesitated to go back to the agency. Something's not right. How can Elsa's dad be alive if his throat was slit.? No one could survive that.

I went back to the agency & no one was there. I decided to go to the girls room. I wanted to take a nap until everyone gets here. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

Elsa's P.O.V

I walked with my father to a sea dock. We live near the beach so it's pretty cool. No one was there since it's already early September, it gets a bit cold to come walking on the dock.

I looked over at my father. "Why didn't you look for me & Anna.? Why didn't Minnie ever tell us about you.?" I a asked. Before I was born, my parents were agents like I am. They worked with Minnie, my father didn't want to work with the Guardians because he didn't want to be separated from my mom. He didn't care if it was a girls, at that time it didn't even matter.

"Not even Minnie knew that I was alive. I tried searching for you girls but I couldn't find you. I looked everywhere." He sighed. I gave him a look, telling him to tell me everything that happened.

"After Pitch disposed if our bodies, someone found us. We were rushed to the hospital & I somehow survived. Unlike your mother, she sadly didn't make it. Once I was able to leave the hospital I tried searching for you & Anna. I even went to the agency but I guess you weren't there at the time." He sighed. I gave him a confused look.

"How do you know I'm in the agency.?" I asked. His face went from sad to angry. That's when he changed, and when I say change, I mean physically. It wasn't my father. It was Minnie. Suddenly I felt something cover my mouth & my eyes widen. Minnie smirked & said something but I couldn't understand. After that, everything went black.

Cliffhanger.! Sorry for this short chapter. It was hard to come up with what to write.

Well for the next 2 weeks I'm gonna update a bit late because my mom finally came out of surgery but she can't get up or walk to anything. She need to stay in bed & rest, so that means I have to clean & cook.

So hopefully she will be fine & nothing bad will happen to her.

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment & vote. Take care & I'm out :D

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