Chapter 39

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Elsa's P.O.V

I was having a battle against myself. I knew what I was doing but I just couldn't control my body or the words that came out of my mouth. That's when I realized it was the black dust that surrounded me that did this. It's like I'm trapped inside someone else's body. I tried fighting against the evil inside of me, I could feel pain which meant that I was regaining control of my body. I could finally move & I told Jack everything. I told him the truth.

I told him to run & he didn't listen to me. All of a sudden I feel lips against mine, that's when I knew Jack kissed me. I wanted to kiss back but the evil was controlling my body once again. The evil me got the small dagger & was about to stab Jack but I quickly fought back. It was hard but I managed to do it. Soon I dropped the dagger & wrapped my arms around Jack's neck & kissed back. I was finally able to move again.

'You can't do this. I will control your body again & I will kill that Jack Frost. I promise you that.'

I heard the evil me say in my mind. Why does Pitch want me to kill Jack so badly.?

My thoughts were interrupted when I realized that Jack & I were still kissing. I pulled away slowly & looked at him in his eyes & smiled. "I love you." he said staring back into my eyes. My heart started racing & I started blushing. "I love you too." I said & he smiled.

"So if you love me, will you officially be my girlfriend.?" He said, hoping that I would say yes. I gave him another kiss, "of course." I said smiling. He gave me a tight hug & I hugged back. "Let's go back to the agency." I said & he nodded. We walked back, holding hands like any other couple. It felt kinda nice. I never had a boyfriend before so this will be a new experience for me. I hope everything goes well.

Jack's P.O.V

We walked back to the agency holding hands. I liked this feeling. I had many girlfriends before but I never felt the way I do with Elsa. I feel like I can be myself around her without her judging me or yelling at me. I guess that's why I love her.

We finally arrived to the agency & when we entered everyone was gathered around the lobby. Anna, Kristoff, Merida, & Punzie ran over to us. "Guys we have bad news." Anna said. Kristoff looked like he was crying. That's strange, he never cried. Never. Well, not that I've ever seen him.

"What happened.?" Elsa asked. They all stayed silent.

"Come with us. You'll see." Punzie said, breaking the silence.

We followed her to the front of the lobby & there we saw the body of a fellow agent. He was one of my closest friends.

It was Genie.

His real name is Danny Johnson. Genie is his nickname because he would always try his best to make our wishes come true. As long as it wasn't anything bad like death or whatever. The only time I told him my wish was when I was 10 & he was 14. I wished for friends & a family. That's when he introduced me to Kristoff, Flynn, & Hiccup. I was at the agency for 4 years but I hadn't made any friends, except for Genie.

He was always there for me & now he's gone. I can't believe this happened. "What happened to him.?" asked Elsa. Merida have Elsa a black envelope. Elsa looked at me & she opened it. She read it out loud.

"I hope you enjoyed your little present. The more you mess with me, the more people will die. Why don't you check in the news tonight. I bet you'll enjoy what I have in store for you all later in the future. Oh & by the way, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find us anymore. ~ Pitch"

'You won't be able to find us anymore'.? What did he mean by that.? Did he move to a new hideout or something.?

"Why does he want us to check the news.?" Elsa asked, looking at Anna. She just shrugged. "We tried checking online but all the computers are down. We have no choice but to wait until the news are on." she said. We both nodded.

"Why is everyone here though.?" I asked. I don't think that the girls would care much for Genie's death. They don't even know him very well. "I called them in, I think everyone should watch the news, so we can know what exactly we're dealing with." said Merida. I nodded. We had to wait about an hour until we could watch the news. Meanwhile, we all just had a moment of silence for Genie & then all the Guardian Agents decided to go make a short funeral burial for him. This must be one of the happiest & yet saddest day of my life.

Elsa's P.O.V

The girls & I went to my office/room because I wanted to tell them about the research I was doing earlier today. "You girls remember how Pitch said that our parents took away everything that he loved.?" I said & they nodded.

"Ok well I decided to do a little research & this is what I found." I handed them a folder with the information I found. Before I left with Jack I made sure to print out what I found in case the information was lost.

"So our parents really did kill them.?" Anna said & I nodded. I'm still bothered by why they did it. What reason did they have to kill them, other than them ring murderers.?

My thoughts were interrupted to the guys walking in. "Hey girls, the news is about to start in 2. You better come down." said Flynn. We all nodded & went downstairs.

I wonder what Pitch has done for it to be on tv.

Chapter 39.! It's a long chapter, I feel like you all deserve it for supporting me & for being patient (although one day of not updating isn't a lot)

Well I'm still sick & I get constant headaches when I get out of bed, which sucks. Last night was the worst. Here's a list of the things that made it bad:

•I'm sick

•had back pain



•chest pains

•felt like throwing up


•technically, my whole body was in pain

•I was really cold

•worst of all, I'm on my girly bitch time of the month.

Yeah, it's sucks. Well all of that won't stop me from updated. I will try my best to make the chapter good & long because you all deserve it.

Plus, we have 9k reads which is just amazing.! I'm do thankful & it's just an amazing feeling to know that people enjoy you story so much. Thank you all so very much, I love you all (:

Oh & the news about Robin Williams. I was very heartbroken. I didn't want to believe it when I saw people talking about it on twitter. I loved him so much & that's why I made Genie die (I'm sorry please don't hate me) in the story. Robin Williams was an amazing actor & he would always put a smile to my face whenever I watch one of his movies. #RIPRobinWilliams

Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter. Please comment & vote. Take care & I'm out :D

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