Chapter 4

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Anna's P.O.V

When we walked inside, everyone was walking towards the lobby. I looked at Elsa, "What's going on.?" I asked. She just shrugged & we went & followed everyone. Once we got to the lobby Violet came over to us. "Hey Vi, what's going on.?" Elsa asked. "I don't know. Minney wanted us all to come here to the lobby. She said something about very important news."

As if on cue, Minney comes out & everyone becomes silent. "Hello ladies. As all of you are probably wondering why I rounded you up here, I have very important news. Earlier today, we got a threat from a man named Pitch Black. He didn't really say much. All he sent was a note saying, 'Get ready, I'll be coming soon.'" Some girls started gasping, other started mumbling. "Silence.! We all decided to team up with...DisneyWorks Guardians." Everyone gasped. DisneyWorks Guardians has been a rival of our agency for nearly 6 decades. Why would we be working with them.?

"I know it's a but of a shocker but they have also gotten the threat from Pitch. So we decided that if we work together, we can capture him & bring peace between both agencies." After Minney explained everything to us, Mary comes out with a bunch of folders. Even more folders then what school teachers would have. "Get into your groups & Mary will pass out folders with the information of the boys you will work with." Said Minney. Everyone quickly goes to their group. "Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, Merida, you will be working with the Guardians best agents. Since you four are also our best agents." We all nodded & Mary comes & hands us 4 folders. We all opened it & my eyes widen as soon as I see who it is.

[A/N since I'm not that mean I'm not gonna end it here :D]

Elsa's P.O.V

I opened the folder I had & my eyes widen. I look over the girls & they have the same expression I do. Oh god, please don't tell me we have to work with them. "W-Who do you h-have.?" I asked nervously. "Let's all say it at the same time." Said Merida. We all nodded.


All of our eyes widen. "What.?! Seriously.?!" We all said in sync. How can this be happening.? First they bully us & now you're telling me that they're secret agents.! I suddenly get an idea & I smirk. I tell the girls my plan & they all nod & smirk as well. This is gonna be fun.

So how did you guys enjoy it.? 16 reads not much but it's pretty good for having it for just one day.! I'm not complaining, I'm being grateful.! Thank you all.!

Just so you won't be confused, Elsa & the others are in an all girl agency called The DisneyWorks Royals. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. & I'm deciding that I'm gonna ask questions after each chapter. Some relating to the story, others just random. I'll do it starting the chapter.

Take care & I'm out :D

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