Chapter 12

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Jack's P.O.V

[Almost all the chapters will be Elsa's or Jack's POV. Some will be the others, but mostly Jack & Elsa]

After talking for about an hour, I checked the time. I would be in music class if we were in school. I seriously hate music. Well not music but more like the singing part. People say I can sing but I just prefer not to. I see that Elsa got up, "I'm gonna be upstairs in my room if you guys need me, excuse me." She quickly walked away & went to her room. I looked at Anna. "What's wrong with her.?" He just shrugged. "I'll go check." She got up but I stopped her. "No, let me go. I might even get a chance to know her better." Anna gave me a serious look & then she nodded.

I went upstairs & I heard a noise. I think it was a guitar. I looked for the noise & it came behind a icy blue door. I could tell it was Elsa's. It even had her name on it. Then I heard singing.

"I want to tell the truth

I want everyone to know

What happened to the little girl

Who was always so happy

She is still here

She's just afraid come out

And tell the world the truth

About her pain and her past"

Was that Elsa singing.? She has an amazing voice. What song is she singing.? I never heard it before. I continued to listen.

When will all this pain fade away

This little girl wants come out today

When will you just realize

That today I'm not the same

I won't let this fear stop me anymore

I heard her stop playing the guitar & she started...she started crying. I knocked on the door. "Who is it.?" she asked calmly. "It's me Jack, can I come in.?" Please say yes please say yes.

"Yeah sure." Yes.! I opened the door & walked in. "Hey, I just came to check if everything was alright. You just seemed to leave without saying why."

"Oh I was just, finishing up out assignment for Music Class."

Oh crap. I forgot. We had to write or choose a song that represents who we are or how we feel. It's due tomorrow.! How can I forget.?!

"So what did you do.?" I asked, trying to see if I can get an idea.

"Oh uh...I wrote my own song." She blushed. She looks so cute when she blushes. Wait, what am I saying.?

"You did.? What's it about.?"

"'s about a girl, who used to be happy & was carefree. Like a little five year old girl. But then something happened in her life & her happiness just went away. People never knew what happened to her & she wanted to tell them but she just couldn't. She wanted to let everyone know the truth but she just couldn't..." She was about to cry again.

"Hey what's wrong.? Why are you crying.?" I asked worriedly.

"It's nothing. Really.."

"If it was nothing you wouldn't be crying."

"It's just um....I'm still hurt about what happened to Minnie."

"Look Elsa, we will find Pitch & make him pay. I promise that." I pulled her into a hug & she actually hugged back. I felt this warm & strange feeling in my stomach. I wonder what it is.

Elsa's P.O.V

"It's just um....I'm still hurt about what happened to Minnie." I couldn't tell Jack the truth. I couldn't tell him that I was crying because of the song. I wrote this song about him. When I met him, my happiness went away. Everything changed because of him. But I couldn't tell him that. I don't trust him. Not yet.

"Look Elsa, we will find Pitch & make him pay. I promise that." He pulled me into a hug. I hugged back. I really need to be with someone right now, so better Jack than no one. When I hugged him, I felt this strange feeling in my stomach. Like I had butterflies in my stomach. Oh no, I can't like Jack.? Can I.?

"Hey guys is everything ok.?" I heard Anna yell from downstairs. I pulled away from the hug. "Yeah everything's find. We're just talking." I answered back. Maybe Anna won't come up & spy on us.
"Ok, just scream if Jack does something to you." I chuckled slightly. "Ok I will." Anna can be weird sometimes. But weird in a funny way.

"Elsa, could you help me with the assignment for Music.? I don't know what song I should choose & I don't know how to write songs.."

"Oh yeah sure. I just need to know how you're like & how you always feel & then maybe I can help you."

"Ok um...well I'm handsome, charming, popular-"

"Ok yeah I get it. Now tell me how you always feel."

"Um...sometimes I just feel like I'm alone. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with the guys but...when I don't have them around, I feel alone. I don't talk to other people because I feel like it won't be the same with them."

"So you mostly feel alone..?" He nods. I start thinking.

"The thing is, I don't want anyone knowing that it's me who feels this way."

"But that's the assignment."

"Yeah but can't you make it into me feelings sad for somebody else. Like Hiccup who's the one who feels alone & I just feel bad for him."

I start thinking. "Maybe I can." I grab my guitar & start strumming it.

You told me you hated life

You would always tell me,

"Living in this world

Does me no good

What's the point

If all I do is suffer

I want To end it all

But I have to keep strong

I'm doing it for my family

I'm doing it for my friends"

I looked at over at Jack, "How's that for the beginning.?" He smiled at me. "That's amazing. I didn't know you could write music that good." I smiled back & blushed & just shrugged. "It's nothing really." We both started singing lyrics & at one point started singing together. His voice was amazing for a guy's. We both sounded perfect together.

While singing I would still get these butterflies. I don't like him. I can't like him. I...I do like him.....

There you have it everyone. Elsa just admitted that she likes Jack. I feel like it's too soon for it to happen. Oh btw, those lyrics are actually mine. I made them up myself so please do not steal them. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter & here are the questions:

What would you choose that represents who you are.?

Can any of you guys sing, write songs, rap, or do any of that kind of stuff.?

Please comment & vote. Take care & I'm out :D

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