Chapter 2

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"Sorry I'm late hyung!" I yell out between breaths as I burst into Dejung's dance room. He looks over at me and sighs.

He walks over...

Stops in front of me...

And pulls me into a hug?

"Aish kid" He sighs shaking his head, "Please don't do that again-knowing you I thought you'd got in trouble..."

He steps back from the hug and I lower my head.

"Sorry" I mumble. Dejung and I became friends when i moved here, through certain circumstances, and he takes care of me as if he is my brother. He has no idea how much I respect him but I always feel like a burden to him. Him, a handsome dance teacher who is possibly the kindest and friendliest person you'll ever meet, friends with a guy who ran away from home, is a antisocial introvert and incapable of taking care of himself.

He sighs and flicks my forehead with a faint smile on his face. If he wasn't straight, I would've tried to be with him for life. But he's straight and if you can't tell by now, I'm not.

"Please phone me next time you are going to be late. That or you can move in with m-"

"No!" I cut him off. "You already do enough for me hyung. I don't want you to have to look after me 24/7..."

"I still worry about you m/n though... You try making pasta and successfully managed to set the kitchen ablaze...and do I have to remind you of when tried cooking beef, a meat that's literally cooked with an oven, in the toaster?!? Or when-"

"Okay I get it" I manage to say through the fit of giggles. I look him in the eye and we both burst into laughter. He may be protective but he at least has a sense of humour.

We finally stop laughing." I get it hyung. Sorry-I'll message you next time" I say with a smile.

He sighs and looks at the time, to which panic floods his face. He teaches dance classes for a living, heck he's the reason why and how I learnt to dance. Dance to him is a way of expressing yourself.


It's a way to escape.

"Sorry to cut our chat short m/n but I've got to run" He gushes out making his way to the door. Wait he's late...but didn't he just say...

"Hey get back here you hypocrite!"I yell trying to grab him, but he's runs out with a grin on his face before I can catch him.

"Damn hypocrite..." I mumble before leaving the room and making my way to dance studio 4, making sure I close the door behind me. The Trust Dejung has in his students amazes me, considering the amount of tech he has in that room and doesn't even bother to lock it. Going in there and first, you'd think he worked as a technician or at least a hacker, but no. This overprotective goofball, who's also a hypocrite, works as a dance instructor.

After a couple of minutes walking I find the dance room. I hear music being played across the room and I pause to listen. Studio 2...

Didn't Dejung say something about something or someone special coming here this week? Is it today?

Nah. Probably not. I walk in and close the door behind me, grabbing my phone and connecting it to the speakers.

A song to warm up to... got it.

I load up How Long by Charlie Puth, putting my hands on the speaker to feel the rhythm then step back and nd begin to dance.

Dancing. It's one of the most amazing things in the world. You don't need to analyse the music instead, let it flow through you and show your passion through your dance. It's more than just a hobby. It's a lifestyle.

I don't need to see myself to dance, hell if I focus enough I don't even have to open my eyes to know where I am and the boundaries of the walls that hold me back. As long as I feel the music, I can do anything. A smile takes over my face, as i free myself from my surroundings and immerse myself into the melody.

The song comes to an end and I freeze as I hear clapping behind me. And from more than one person...

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