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Hello Lovelies!
Thank you so much for 144K Reads!!!!
I'm finished with my surgery and I'll have the results in two weeks. I'll make sure to tell you guys what the doctors say 💜

Also, fair warning: This chapter is probably a little confusing because my head is still a little loopy with the medication. Please understand. I love you all 💜💜💜

Jungkook's POV

"Hello, Mr. Jeon." My hairdressers says sweetly, smiling at me. 

"Hey." I mumble, walking over to her salon chair to sit down. 

"Oh...is something the matter?" She  asks, getting her tools ready. 

"Kind of...I'm doing something risky tonight. I'm not very sure of myself..." I sigh, looking at her through the reflection of the mirror. 

"Well, I think you were right to come get your hair redone." She smiles. "That always seems to make you walk out looking confident."

"I suppose..." I sigh. "I'm just worried what will happen if I get close to him." I confess as she puts the hair cutting cloak around me. 

"Does he like you?" She asks, and I find myself blushing. 

"I...I don't know. I mean...I saw him kiss another boy awhile ago...so for all I know I might just be a play toy for him."

She chuckles. "Jungkook, I've been cutting your hair for the last 5 years. Believe me, he's not playing with you. I don't think anyone would have the guts to." 

~Time Skip~

As I arrive home, I order dinner from my favorite restaurant, and then begin to set up the house for him. 

It's 5 O'clock, and it will take about an hour for the food to get here...

"Shit.." I grumble to myself as I set the table. "I wonder if they'll be late..." I look at my watch as it gets closer and closer to 6. "Maybe...maybe I should text him and tell him to come later..?" I shake my head. "Aish! I can't do that..."

Jimin's POV

I look through my clothes and find nothing nice to wear, which  sends me to Eunwoo's room, and luckily I'm able to find a few things. He's taller than me, so the clothes are a little big, but I fit them well enough. 

I take care in styling my hair just right, secretly wishing I had redyed the roots before this...

"Alright Park Jimin...." I sigh to myself as I look in the mirror. "Let's do this."

I order an Uber and wait outside in the cold, shivering slightly until he gets here. 

"Hi." I say through chattering teeth as I tell him the address to Mr. Jeon's house. 

My leg won't stop shaking as my stomach twists. I'm so anxious...

What if I misunderstood the text? O-Or what if I got the time wrong?! I double check my phone to make sure, and of course I'm right. I'm perfectly on time. 

But...but what if he makes a move? Or WORSE, what if I make a move and he feels uncomfortable?! What if this isn't some low key date after all. Like, maybe he honestly just wants to thank me for helping out...?

"Aish..." I sigh to myself, biting my nails nervously. 

As we pull up next to Mr. Jeon's house, I pay the driver and step out of the car, feeling more nervous than ever. 

There's another car there as well...

I turn my head, reading the logo on the side. 

"Pierre Gagnaire...." I mumble to myself as I walk passed it toward the house. 

Bonjour//JikookWhere stories live. Discover now