After Class

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Hello Lovelies 💜💜💜
Thank you so much for 77.9K reads 😭😭😭 you guys take such good care of me! I really hope you're enjoying the story 💜

Jimin's POV

November 27th

As Winter sets in, and Holiday feelings spread through the air, I begin to miss my family more than ever. Though I would love to go visit them...I'm too poor, and they don't have the money to pay for the trip either. All of the money I have, as well as them is going toward my boarding fees and tuition.

We have a Winter Special coming up, which is sort of like Mid-terms for ballet school. We pick a piece from a Christmas or Winter themed ballet, and perform it for Mr. Jeon.

I shiver as I think over this....

Mr. Jeon and I have chosen to stay away from each other these last few weeks...just for good measure.

"Higher." I hear Mr. Jeon instruct quietly as I lift my leg, my left hand quivering on the barre. I gulp and do as he instructs, to which he nods his head in approval and moves on from me.

Jungkook's POV

It's been hard watching him develop so quickly. Not because of my own jealousy, but simply because I know that one day I will not be able to teach him anything.  One day he's going to know just as much as me, only he'll be stronger and younger...

I groan as I put pressure on my ankle with each step. The Winter is always the hardest for me due to the barometric pressure change. Though, I've done it for all these years, so what's one more.

As I near Mr. Park, I feel that same sad, hopeless song tick away in my heart, but I do my best to ignore it, paying attention to his line, and height.

"Higher." I almost mumble, and he does as I say, almost as though it made no difference, and this makes me smile.

~The End of Class~

"Alright Class, please choose your pieces for the Winter Special, and check them off with  me. Also, this is your last warning. Get your release forms from the office so that you can leave campus during the holiday." I look around the room at the panting figures. "K. Good, now leave."

"Thank you, Mr. Jeon." They all chorus together.

As I gather up my things, I notice Mr. Park staying behind, almost as though he's wanting to talk to me.

"What is it, Mr. Park?" I ask as noncommittally as possible.

"I um...I was wondering what we're supposed to do when we don't plan to leave during the holidays?" He asks, his teeth dragging on a corner of his lips.

"Um...see a psychiatrist." I chuckle dryly, to which he laughs. "Why aren't you going home? Don't you at least want to see your parents?" I ask, shrugging on my coat.

"W-Well, it's not that. I just...we don't really have the money for that right now so I'm going to stay..." His cheeks burn a deep shade of red embarrassment that I can relate to.

If only you were would never have to worry about money again a day in your life...

"Well, then I would recommend you just let the office know. But, there aren't any forms for you to fill out if that's what you're wondering."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Jeon." He bows politely, smiling weakly at me before leaving.

"Wait-" I say but bite my tongue.

"What is it?" He asks, looking at me with those beautiful eyes. 

"I-I um.." I choke. "....I was just wonder if had uh...." I do my best to think up a lie. "H-Have you chosen your piece for the Special yet?" I ask quickly, blushing.

Bonjour//JikookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon