Vulpix: Sandshrew look at this magazine! I had this explorer hat on my eye for you for the longest time.

Sandshrew: OMG that is so incredible! I want that!

Vulpix: I knew you would. So I already ordered it for you.

Sandshrew: For real? (Vulpix nods) You are so awesome!

(In confessional)
Sandshrew: I'm glad to have my confidence back. It's all thanks to Vulpix for making me realize I'm great just the way I am. Now that I'm back in business we are totally gonna win this race!

Buneary: Mind if I go talk to Buizel?

Flaaffy: Not at all, go ahead. (Buneary gets up and trades seats with Oshawott) Sup.

Oshawott: Um, hello. (Shyly waves)

Flaaffy: I know I'm loud but you don't have to be afraid of me.

Oshawott: Sorry. (Pauses) So how are you? Is your leg feeling any better?

(Across the lane)

Buizel: You were awesome coaching Flaaffy through everything. You're really one of the kindest people ever.

Buneary: Thanks. And I saw you helping out Oshawott. You're actually nice too. Er, wait that came out wrong.

Buizel: I knew what you meant. (Pauses) So, wanna compliment me on my skating skills? I'm awesome you know.

Buneary: (Laughs a little) Yeah, you're good. But not as good as Flaaffy or I. (Laughs again)

Buizel: (smirks) Oh yeah, well I guess we'll have to settle that once this race is over! (Puts his arm around her)

Buneary: (Laughs again and blushes) Yeah I guess we will.


Rhydon: (to the camera) Looks like the teams have long hours and hours of flight time, but thanks to the power of editing they are landing now!

(Outside the airport)

Weavile: Taxi! Taxi? Where the heck are the taxis.

Shinx: That's weird I don't see any.

Pichu: Hey look there's a bus! (Walks up) Excuse me are you going to the rainforest? (The driver turns around)

Koffing: Yes I am maggots. Now climb on it.

Pichuette: Koffing! You're a driver in Peru now?

Pichu: Yeah, it's weird, but cool.

Koffing: In my stupid contract, now get in! (The seven teams board) Time to floor it!

Shinx: Woah! It's soo bumpy.

Meowstic: Be careful Shinx, hang on to your- (The car hits a bump and Shinx's DS flies in the air)

Shinx: NOOO! (The DS shatters on the ground and Shinx tears up)

Meowstic: Shinx? Buddy are you okay? (Shinx loudly bursts out in tears) Oh no. Shinx. I'm here for you. (Hugs him)

(Team Confessional)
Shinx: (crying) All my data gone forever! (Cries more) I hate my life so much! Why did it happen to me? WHY LIFE WHY!?!?

Meowstic: (pats him) Shinx trust me it'll be okay.

(Meowstic cleans up the remains of Shinx's DS)

Pichu: Oh no poor Shinx.

Pichuette: Its just a dumb video game right?

Pichu: (shakes his head no) Nuh-Uh. Knowing Shinx he put bajillions of hours into his games and now he just lost all his save data.

Pichuette: Oh no. Everything? And video games are his favorite, that's like me losing all my dollies. (Frowns) Let's go over and help him feel better. (She and Pichu run over to comfort Shinx)

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now