Chapter 12: Alex and Ronan

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  Ian had been so worked up the day that his twins were due to be born. He couldn't sit down for long despite the ache in his back and Mickey hadn't been much better. However as midnight came about with a new day there was no babies and Ian was bone weary after a full day of worry. So that night he had settled down in bed with Mickey cuddling behind him and wondering in an exhausted haze if he would go back to being the big spoon after the babies were born. That being said, they had only cuddled like this once before Mickey left but that one time Mickey had initiated it and pulled Ian's arms around him.

  The next day hadn't been much better for worrying but this time Ian had had the presence of mind to rest as well. Mickey had hovered beside him, hand more often than not on Ian's extended stomach. Mandy as well was there that day having her day off from the cafe. She was nervous but told them not to worry, that babies never arrived when they were meant to.

  The third day passed with nothing and Mickey had to leave to go to the nightclub after two days of sick leave. So that night when Ian went to bed it was one of those horrible nights where he slept without Mickey, the man usually returning in the early hours and sleeping through half the day. It wasn't pleasant to have such a different, overlapping schedule with his boyfriend but it was necessary for the money.

  Although he managed to get off to sleep well he was woken up suddenly in the night, unsure of why. The redhead awkwardly twisted round to look at the clock on the bedside table, the red numbers glowing in the darkness and showing that it was half past midnight. Blinking and coughing slightly to dislodge the sleep he was suddenly wracked with pain, cramping from his abdomen. It was then that he realised the sheets were soaked between his legs; his waters had broken.

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he swore under his breath as he pulled himself up painfully. Of course this was happening on the night Mickey had gone back to work.

   Stumbling across the room, Ian doubled over again when another contraction hit him. Fuck it hurt and it was only just beginning. Quickly, he pulled on the joggers and t shirt that he had shed before bed and made his way to the door. He really didn't know what the point of the joggers were as by the time he was pulling the door open they were already soaked through.

  "Mandy!" He called out as the door swung shut behind him and he leaned heavily against the wall, making his way into the living room, "Mandy!"

  Then he heard her door open and his bleary eyed friend stumbled out, brushing hair back from her face and rubbing her face. In the same moment Svetlana came waddling out, similarly struggling with waking up. Mandy however perked up immediately when she took in Ian's condition.

  "They coming?" she asked, already rushing forward to grab and support him.

  "Yup," he replied hoarsely, burying his face in her neck as another contraction hit.

  "How far apart are contractions?" Svetlana asked behind him.

  "Don't know, just over five minutes," Ian gasped out in reply.

   "Good now car, hospital. No time to dress, you drive Mandy and I call shithead," Svetlana ordered, everyone immediately going about it.


  The entire drive to the hospital Ian pressed his head against the cool glass of the window, a relief against his now sweaty skin. Once they actually got there, the three of them were rushed off to the maternity ward where Ian was set up in a bed. The whole thing was just getting worse, more painful and yet the entire time his two favourite women were there, Mandy holding his hand and Svetlana rubbing his calves.

 The nurse kept coming after forever it seemed the first baby was crowning and Mickey wasn't there, all Ian wanted was Mickey. He cried out and Mandy leaned over him, stroking his forehead and kissing his sweaty temple. When she leaned back, Ian looked down over his body and then saw him. There was Mickey hurrying through the door and coming right up to caress and kiss Ian's face. The Gallagher let go of his friend's hand and grabbed the one of Mickey's that wasn't on his face in both of his.

  Ian really couldn't tell how much longer it took- in that moment in felt a lifetime but later it felt like no time at all- before the first baby was crying. The midwife picked him straight up but Ian didn't have time to rejoice because he was pushing again and eight minutes later the first's brother followed him out.

 The redhead sagged while Mickey held him close, watching as the babies were checked over before one was handed to Mickey and the other to Ian. He glanced over at Mickey who was staring down at the boy in awe before he looked down at the baby in his own arms. It's wrinkled red face sported features that even now Ian could see as Mickey's, his eyes were opened wide, baby blue and something that Ian hoped wouldn't change. His head however sported a shock of red hair, wet and flat against his skull.

  The tiny human in his arms gurgled at him, staring right up into Ian's face and Ian had to choke back a happy sob. He didn't register Mandy or Svetlana in that moment, instead just Mickey and the boys. Mickey leaned in then and let Ian have a look at the twin in his arms as he looked at the one in Ian's. They looked identical but that didn't mean anything- all babies looked the same didn't they.

  "The one in your arms Mr Gallagher is the eldest, both of them are incredibly healthy and you should be so proud. You have two very beautiful boys there. Do you yet know what their names are going to be yet so I can write their certificates?" the midwife asked.

  "Thank you," Ian smiled because she was right, their boys were beautiful," the eldest is Alex Carl Milkovich-Gallagher and the younger is Ronan Iggy Milkovich-Gallagher."

  Ian and Mickey had agreed on the middle names about a week before thinking that both boys should have a Gallagher and a Milkovich name. Not that Ian was particularly bothered by that now as he ran a gentle finger down the side of Alex's face before turning and pressing a kiss to Ronan's cheek. He looked at the pair of them and knew then that he would do anything for these boys, that he would love his sons no matter what.

  Looking up at Mickey he smiled, the adrenaline wearing off and exhaustion settling in, causing him to lean wearily into his boyfriend's side. 

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