Chapter 9: A Lot of Shit

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  Ian slowly made his way back up the steps to the front door while clutching at his belly, the stitches pulling with every step he took. Because of his pregnancy the paramedics had taken him right to the hospital to get a scan to check on the babies after sewing him up and so he was painfully aware that he had been gone a long time. In fact Mickey had texted him to check up and you knew it was bad when that happened- mind you he was insanely protective over him with the twins. Ian had texted back that he was fine and on his way home which seemed to sate him.

  With a moment's hesitation, Ian pushed open the door and walked into the house making sure that he didn't wince. He was wearing a hoody as he always did going out which helped to hide the obvious pad of gauze over the top of his baby bump. There were Gallaghers mostly sat in the living room with Fiona and V sat in the kitchen chatting and laughing with each other. He didn't get much notice except for a few "heys"- something that was only just settling back in after the family found out his condition- with the exception of Mickey.

  His boyfriend- he was pretty certain he could call the other that after the whole "I love you" talk- stood up and followed him as Ian made his way up the stairs. Neither actually said anything until they got to their room and Mickey closed the door behind them. Then, as his habit seemed to be these days, the brunette stepped forward and ran his hand over Ian's stomach which is when he felt the bandaging. 

  "What the fuck," he cursed, looking up at Ian with a raised eyebrow and a concerned look before yanking- abet carefully- his hoodie and shirt up.

  There on display was the gauze, stark white against his skin being something for once that took away from the natural pallor of a ginger. Mickey was visibly clenching his jaw as his hand curled around the skin to the side of the bandage.  After a moment, Mickey looked up at Ian with a look of barely concealed rage.

  "So you weren't gonna tell me- you weren't gonna say anything about whatever the fuck this is?" he growled.

  "Look Mick at the time I was kind of busy and then afterwards I was kind of tied up with people fussing and by the time I had chance to text you I was all good and on my way home," Ian tried to explain. The real truth was even now he could still feel the absolute horror curling inside him at the point of Terry Milkovich's knife and his hands were in fact still now shaking.

  The shaking was something that Mickey noticed himself in that moment, he face automatically crumpling from concerned anger to pure concern. The ex-con pushed Ian gently down onto the bed and then knelt in front of him, grabbing at the redhead's thighs.

  "What exactly the fuck happened?" Mickey asked then.

  "Your dad," Ian told him causing Mickey to take in a sharp breath, a look of horror crossing his face, "wanted to cut them out. Don't think he put two and two together about you and me though, you know with them being yours."

  "What happened then Ian?" Mickey pressed looking a scary mix of horrified and furious.

  "Lana came up shot him in the leg," Ian snorted because that woman was bad ass.

  "No shit?"

  "No, seriously Mick that woman is amazing though I have a feeling you would piss the hell out of each other," Ian smiled in return.

  Mickey smiled back though it seemed to be more at Ian himself than what he had just said. It quickly faded through as the brunette just looked up at him sadly.

  "He could have killed all three of you, taken everything I love in one go," he breathed.

  "Don't be dramatic Mickey, I wasn't holding the world's entire supply of weed," Ian replied, trying to smile but knowing it was weak.

  "Fuck off," Mickey huffed but it really didn't mean much when the man buried his face in Ian's thigh. 

  The pair were silent for a while with Mickey just kneeling there with his face pressed into Ian's leg while the younger ran his fingers through his dark hair. Ian knew full well that Mickey was coming to terms with almost loosing them- he was himself trying to come to terms with how close he had come to dying. The redhead really wished that he could lean down, curl around him and kiss his boyfriend's head but he couldn't with his baby bump.

  "I think I'll have to meet up with her now won't I?" Mickey asked weakly after a moment, raising his head and smiling up at him.

  "Yeah man, gotta thank her," Ian smiled back, pecking Mickey quickly on the lips- a movement that caused him to hiss as he pulled on the stitches.

  "Can I see it?" the ex-con asked then, seeming uncertain as his hand came up to cup Ian's stomach.

  The redhead just nodded and struggled out of his shirt with Mickey's help. The brunette's hands briefly paused above the gauze before carefully peeling it off. Once the wound was fully exposed Mickey's jaw clenched, as did the hand that was currently resting on Ian's thigh. Anger clouded the other's face to such a degree that it made Ian uncomfortable and thanking some higher being that that look wasn't directed at him.

  Mickey's eyes were raking over the stitches and the wound that was still bleeding somewhat, his fingers hovering a hair's breadth away. Ian was tense he knew but he really didn't want Mickey to actually touch- it hurt like a mother fucker.

  "If that asshole ever gets out I'm going to kill him myself," Mickey growled, not looking away from the long gash. 

  "Please don't. You have sons on the way, three of them. Can't get locked up now," Ian replied softly, only half joking as he ran his fingers through Mickey's hair again.

  "Fuck three kids at once," Mickey half smiled.


  "Fuck off."

  Ian smiled fondly down at Mickey who was at that point shaking his head as he reapplied the bandage. After that he hauled himself up and Ian thought that his knees must be sore by that point something that was shown as he hobbled the few steps to the bed before he flopped down. The two of them sat there for a moment in silence, Ian still shirtless, until Mickey spoke up.

  "On a whole other note, looked up your meds that you were gonna tell me about later. Lithium for bipolar right?" Mickey said, not looking at him.

  Ian looked over at him sharply then, studying his face in an attempt to try and judge his reaction but Mickey still wasn't looking at him. When he did after another moment Ian couldn't decide what he was seeing.

  "I don't care Ian. I fucking know that you were trying to hide it and sure it sounds like a shit show but we've already been through a hell of a lot of shit but we're still here," he said and and Ian sagged quite literally into him.

  The pair continued to just sit there for another moment and Ian didn't mind. He was alive right now, the twins were fine and Mickey excepted his disease. It was the best feeling, a weight he hadn't even realised was there had just lifted. 

  "You know what this means though?" Mickey asked after another long moment of silence.


  "We can move away from your million siblings back into our house now Terry's in the slammer," Mickey replied.

  "Seriously?" Ian asked sitting up.

  "Yeah I mean we're already living together, gonna have spawn. There's less people there to disturb us," Mickey smirked.

  "Oh fuck, true motives," Ian snorted in return even though he was buzzing at the thought of moving in officially with the older boy.

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