Chapter 6: Bringing Him

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  Ian was six months pregnant and was well and truly showing, he was almost double the size of a normal pregnancy as there was two of the things growing in him and he was struggling somewhat. Nearly two months ago he had found out the gender of his babies but he had kept it to himself mostly just to annoy Mandy. Though that being said, the truth would annoy her too being that he was in fact pregnant with two boys.

  In his mind he had already chosen the names Alex and Ronan. Aleksandr was Mickey's middle name, a fact he had found from Mandy when the pair had been teasing him only a little while before he found he was pregnant. Even though Mickey wasn't there Ian wanted a part of him in the children more than just fifty percent genetics. The other name was Ronan because that with Lip's middle name and Lip had been the one to stand by him from the beginning. 

  Being so obviously pregnant now was causing problems in the area, south side Chicago was full of homophones and so he hated even leaving the house now. School was hell even more so now but he had Mandy and he was determined to make it through so that he could get some sort of decent job to actually pay for twin boys. Most evenings after school he would lay on the sofa to take the pressure off of his aching back. His birthday had passed just over a month ago and he was officially an adult now something that he was so grateful now with the knowledge that Fiona wouldn't have to be a legal guardian of his sons.

  He had also done something that he had never in a million years contemplated doing; he'd gone and tracked down Svetlana. He'd done it just after he found out he was having boys. The woman was actually amazing, a Russian sold by her father to be a whore in America yet so smart with a great, dry sense of humour. She'd recognised him from that day and they had gotten to talking, she was glad that Mickey had run away because she had hated what she had been forced to do and she had hated to be married to someone who would always hate her. 

  They met up regularly in secret, he really didn't want Mandy of all people to know. There was just something about knowing that her baby- another boy- was the half brother to his twins. Besides they got on and she was even teaching him Russian. She didn't judge him for his sexuality or his disease and she knew full that he didn't judge her occupation as he had done the same for a while. Besides, it was fun to complain about mutual pregnancy pains and discomfort because Ian was only a month ahead of his new friend.

  It was only yesterday that he had last seen the woman and now in that moment he was sat alone in the Gallagher kitchen doing his homework. There wasn't a soul in the house at the moment, it was unusually still and quiet, something that Ian found he was enjoying more and more recently. Before his pregnancy or his diagnosis he would have hated it, would have at least had some music on to do his work with.

  At that moment, the door opened and two sets of footsteps sounded but he didn't look up. He was struggling with this math work and was kicking himself over not bringing it with him yesterday. Lana was great with numbers and had helped him understand his work.

  "Ian," it was Mandy.

  Smiling Ian looked up only for the smile to fall off his face as soon as he saw who was with her.

  "I'm gonna head out, leave you two alone," Mandy said, smiling at Ian again before heading back out the way she came.

  As soon as the door closed behind her Ian put his head in his hands. Stupid pregnancy hormones and here he was willing away the tears. In front of this other young man he felt horribly embarrassed and indecent with this stupid baby bump, a far cry from the boy the brunette used to hook up with. How was he here? He wasn't meant to be here.

  Now he was actually crying, shaking sobs that just made everything worse. What was he doing here? Mandy had obviously tracked him down but she must have told him about the babies and if not it would be obvious now and yet he hadn't heard the door go for a second time. He was still in the room. 

  Then there was hands on his, prying them away from his face and then there he was. Mickey. He was looking straight at Ian with an open, honest face. The redhead had never seen him like that, so open, but his eyes were so beautiful. His entire face... Ian just wanted to reach out and touch him but this was Mickey and he knew he wouldn't a allowed, especially not now. But then Mickey was cupping Ian's face so he in turn brought his hands up to cup Mickey's and then they were kissing.

  He was ninety percent sure that it was Mickey who had started it. Was one hundred percent sure that it was Mickey that pulled him up and manoeuvred them up the stairs and then he knew that it was he himself that got them down on the bed that he now shared with Mandy. Only then when Mickey was straddling his hips did they stop with Mickey pressing down on his stomach and seeing to realise what was going on. Shit. Of course Mickey didn't want to have sex with him now.

  Slumping back, Ian closed his eyes and for good measure threw his arm over his face. Ian couldn't deny the weight still over his hips and over his still straining erection but if he couldn't see the disgusted look that was something. Just the thought of Mickey looking at him now had the blood rushing away from his crotch back to his head just so that he could worry more. 

  Then he felt Mickey's hand caressing over his stomach, up and under his baggy shirt and over the bare stretched skin. It was so surprising that Ian jumped then causing the babies moved as they had been for just over a month now, Mickey obviously felt the kicking too as Ian watched his face morph into... awe? and heard him suck in a breath.

  Ian watched as Mickey pushed his shirt up further so that his bump was exposed before he smoothed over the skin with both hands. The redhead didn't understand what was going on but he wasn't going to argue or interrupt when Mickey was touching his swollen stomach so reverently. He also didn't understand still why Mickey was here.

  "Did Mandy drag you back?" Ian asked eventually, Mickey's gaze snapping straight up to him.

  "She found me, stubborn bitch but when I found out about you... you were right Firecrotch okay. I am gay and I- fuck I love you okay and running away I've never wanted to love someone before okay. But Mandy told me about your- our- twins and I had to come back. Didn't drag me," Mickey said and it looked like it pained him to say it but he did. Mickey loved him. He said it.

  His mind had officially ground to a halt and he really didn't know what he could say to that. Mickey loved him and had come back despite him being pregnant- because he was pregnant. Ian knew that he was grinning now but it didn't matter because Mickey was giving him that rare and adorable grin of his too right before leaning in again and kissing him breathless.

  "I love you too Mick," he said as soon as they broke the kiss.

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