Chapter 5: First Class

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Akari's POV:

As Anthony and I finish up decorating and organizing my room I flop down onto my bed. I start to close my eyes,  getting the least amount from my afternoon nap when Anthony wakes me up. Looking at him with a pout he motions to the two girls that are standing at the door looking around.

"Ummm your two roommates are here Akari," he says softly and he looks at them as they start to pull their stuff in. They got the bunk beds that are on the other side of the room. I ended organizing the stuff they dropped off earlier.

"Wow! You did a really good job of organizing everything!" The shorter one says as she drops the stuff she was carrying. The other one nods in agreement sitting on the lower bed. Anthony gives me a quick glance.

"I'll see you later this week sis" he nods at the two girls before leaving. Well, he definitely is going to miss me.

"My names Cacy" the short girl calls out as she pulls out a huge sports bag from the hallway.

"I can put this in the closet right?" she asks as she pulls out a baseball cap and puts it on her head. I nod softly with a smile. Hopefully, we can all play some sort of game to let off steam after the first day.

The other girl smiles shyly at me with a light blush coating her cheeks. She sits on the bottom bunk and checks around to how I put her things. She nods softly not looking me in the eyes and just lays down and pulls a book to her face.

I start to pull out my planner and books and look at the first day's schedule. So just culinary class with Mr. Limith, and culinary science with Mrs. Ower. An easy first day if I say so myself! I smile softly and lay on the bed. Just to get up and get out of pajamas for once. Looking at the girls I see them unpacking the rest of their stuff.

"I'm gonna start to go to my classes I'll see you after," I yell a little, and bolt off with my books swishing and knocking around in my bag. I completely forget how I look and keep going, the long patterned paths as my leg drag along behind me. Swishing forwards and backward as I go. I walk into class and go to the teacher to get to know him.

"Hi, I'm.." I then notice he's dozing off over his phone with a note on the desk.

It reads "Kai is gonna teach the first class for me, don't be too loud, and let me sleep". This will be fun, I didn't know he was in my culinary class. I look around to see everyone looking at me confused. I then finally notice that I was wearing my pajamas. I look down shyly and sit against the side of the room. I take out some sheets of paper to start to write down some ideas for some recipes.

Everything becomes quiet in a split second, all I can hear is the fridge humming in the background and the soft whish of dirty aprons rubbing on each other and spinning endlessly. Then everyone bursts into soft whispers all I can hear is how hot some guy that just walked in is. I focus on the humming and whishing while I write down different spices I want to incorporate and if I should use 1/2 of a teaspoon or a full teaspoon of cumin.

"Akari! hey," then a hand appears right on top of my paper. I glare at it and look up at the person who was just yelling. A neat clean row of teeth smiles down at me through light red lips. I sigh and look away.

"Do you even remember me?" I see his forearms now. I look up more from how tall he is.

"Your Kai correct" I smile. From me accidentally wearing pajamas on the first day I'm not feeling it.

Narrator's POV:

He smiles down at her and saunters up to the front of the class and sits on the desk of the teacher. He pulls out the lesson plan from the folder that has a sticky note with his name on it. He scans through it and sighs.

" Okay if you want to leave you can! But you'll have to bring in some food from your home country our one of your family's famous dishes," he says softly and sets down the paper and goes to a kitchen. I look around and see people get up and walk out. Kai and Akari are soon to be the only ones left in class, despite the lazy teacher. She gets up and goes to a kitchen and scavenges the cabinets and make notes of all the contents in them.

He looks over at her every once in a while and gives off a smirk. He pulls out some pots and pans and grabs some eggs, whipping cream, chives, cheddar, and mozzarella cheese. Akari looks up and over from the clattering of pots and the clanging of a whisk against a bowl. She walks over to see what he was doing up close.

Akari's POV:

"What are you making" I grab the eggshells and toss them in the garbage and begin to wash my hands.

"A fluffy omelet" he replies lowly and looks down focusing mainly on the whipping of the egg whites. I nod and look at the pans he has set out. I look back at him.

"Can I have a bite? When you're done of course." I ask softly as I watch him dump in the whisked yolks and whites in the pan. I hear the pop and sizzle of the pan and the egg mixture spreads out and starts to cook. He then covers it with a lid and sets a timer

He looks over at me and nods gently "Of course but only a small bite I haven't eaten anything today yet." he hovers over the counter looking at the omelet. I nod even though he doesn't see me and I start to write down more recipe ideas.

Cajun seasoning: paprika, salt, oregano, cayenne, onion powder, garlic powder, black and white pepper.

Taco seasoning: chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, crushed red pepper flakes, dried oregano, paprika, ground cumin, sea salt, and black pepper

He taps my shoulder as I blank out for the different seasonings. He hands me a plate with a fourth of the omelet.

"Here is what you asked for" he walks away to his desk to grab his things. He looks back at me and starts heading to the door

"Can you clean up everything for me possibly? I have to head to practice." I look at him slightly confused. Then nod softly as I start to eat the omelet after he leaves. The omelet is airy and soft as I chew, the flavor is subtle. If he used a bouillon cube or a different broth as the stock to mix in with the eggs it could have been better. I write down in my notebook what he put in and how I can change it.

A while later I finish cleaning the whole room and organizing and labeling everything. I write a note to the teacher that says that everything is cleaned and ready for the next class he has.

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