Chapter 1 - Moana of Motunui

Start from the beginning

With these words, Moana, spear in hand, went in turn in the water, under the watchful eye of Mareto. By stepping into the water, Moana still felt that same thrill when she touched the ocean. From her adventure to Te Fiti Island, she felt even more connected to this element. The ocean was her friend, as she was his. This connection never stopped surprising her. Having water up to the waist level, Moana set herself motionless, motionless as a statue and the spear over her head, her gaze focused. On the beach, Mareto watched him without making a noise.

Under the crystal clear water, Moana could see the small moving forms of some fish, approaching more and more of her legs, and coming to swim around her. Although they were close, Moana let a few seconds past, watching their comings and goings, the directions they took around her and had already set her sights on those who seemed the least suspicious. A few seconds that seemed an eternity for Mareto passed. Then .... Now! Moana, with a quick movement, plunged his spear into the water, without falling backwards, and raised the point of the spear, having pierced two fish. Mareto was speechless.

Moana, smiling, returned on the warm sand of the beach, the fishes in her hand and gave them with a good heart to the young man.

- "Did you understand this time?" she asked carefully. Mareto nodded in response, which made the young woman smile.

- "But, it must be easy for you, Moana ..." said Mareto ... "You are the one who saved our world, who carried the heart of Te Fiti and defeated the demon Te Ka. You are Moana of Motunui. You've become a true legend, like the demigod Maui. "

Moana understood Mareto's fascination with that, and that he thought it was an honor to be the apprentice of the hero who saved the archipelago, but Moana did not see it that way. She had saved the world of course, but being considered a legend made her feel a little uncomfortable. She did not want cults to be created to her glory. All she wanted was to be able to live in peace with her people. She sits next to Mareto to talk to him.

- "You know, nothing is easy, even for me ..." she said frankly, looking at the ocean with a thoughful eye "... Just like you, I had to learn, to fish, to sail, to become an adult and a leader for our people. I am a human, made of flesh and blood like you, and being a hero or a legend does not change anything. I would even say it's even harder for heroes because they must continually exceed their limits so as not to disappoint those who believe in them ..... destiny wanted me to be so, and I accepted it, but you, Mareto... be also proud of what you are. Whether our names enter the legend or not, it does not matter, because that does not prevent us from existing."

Mareto listened to each word with the greatest attention and could not answer, but could only agree with her. The adventurous and insouciant girl that Moana was before had softened herself, and for good reason. Now she was a leader, she could not allow herself to leave for an adventure in the ocean just for the pleasure. Since she was chief, she understood better the point of view of her father, who had wanted to overprotect her when she was a child, but in a sense, she knew it was for her good. With these new words to ponder, Mareto got up and picked up his spear, then the fishes Moana gave him so kindly.

- "Moana .... Can I go back to the village?"

The young woman seemed almost emerging from a waking dream and turned to him.

- "Yes, yes, of course .... We will resume later, I want to stay a little lonely."

Mareto nodded and headed towards the village, leaving Moana alone, sitting on the white sand of the beach, and the ocean stretching out of sight in front and around. Rubbing her arm a little nervously, Moana remembered some memories of her adventure.... Her meeting with Maui ..... the journey through the ocean .... the descent into the world of monsters and the meeting with the giant crab Tamatoa .... and the clash with Te Ka, demon of fire and sick incarnation of the goddess Te Fiti .... Moana smiled at those memories that had changed her life forever .... As for Maui ..... It was almost a year that she did not had not seen again and wondered what had become of him. Sometimes she spent the night observing the sky, hoping to see him in the distance, arriving in his bird-like form.

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