... and the tea party

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Everything was a blur. First, you were beating the absolute crap out of Zuko; the next, you were situated in the palace's parlor with some tea and pastries, enjoying the company of the Fire Lord and his uncle. "So you're the one who is willing to marry my nephew?" Iroh asked as he gobbled up his meal.

The question irked Zuko, even if it came from his respected uncle, and you didn't get a chance to respond. "What are you doing here anyways?" He changed the subject.

The elderly man switched his attention to Zuko. "I told you already. The Avatar stopped by for some tea, and we had a nice little chat. Of course, I'd be curious who the lucky woman was." He then returned his focus to you. "I expected some other type of gal to sweep you off your feet, but she's pretty unique."

"Can we please not talk as if I'm not here?" you nervously laughed. "Though I am appreciating the compliments."

Zuko groaned in annoyance. "Look, things are complicated right now. It would be helpful if you came back at a later time."

Iroh nodded in deep thought as he glanced back and forth between Zuko and you. You squirmed under his perceptive eyes. Growing up, you had heard many stories about the man, most of which were frightening. He used to be a conqueror of nations, esteemed heir to the throne, and uncle of your childhood friend. You didn't know much about his personality, that was until he became temporary Fire Lord for Zuko.

Establishing a National Tea Day made him a god in your book. You speculated him to be a pretty decent guy for that... No tyrant would willingly make a holiday after a drink, right?

"I can't see a reason why it is complicated," Iroh interrupted your thoughts. "All I see is a girl who can put up with your difficult side. Pretty at that!"

"You have a good eye, Iroh," you winked.

"Call me Uncle! Since we're going to be family and all," the man said with a grin.

"She isn't part of this family yet. She hasn't even accepted the proposal," Zuko added.

"Oh... Uh, I haven't?"

"You should remember whether or not you've answered a Fire Lord's proposal," Iroh stated with worry.

You sent him an apologetic smile. "Well, I'm still not sure myself. I mean, I don't mind being your wife since I believe this is as good as it gets with husbands--"

"As good as it gets?" Zuko scoffed.

You casted him a pointed glare, and he snapped his mouth closed. Certainly, he still wasn't the greatest person ever in your book. He treated you wrong in the past, and it shaped the way you currently thought of him. He did apologize for his misbehavior, but was it enough to trap you into marrying him? Other than Mai, he couldn't think of anyone else he could trust with this position.

"Zuko? Are you in here?" Speak of the devil...

Fire Lord Zuko shot up from his chair at the sound of the woman's dreary voice. "M-Mai?!"

You watched curiously as the lanky woman traveled inside the room. You were especially interested in the way Zuko fumbled around her like an idiot. Eyes narrowing, you spectated as your 'maybe-fiance'  usher the woman out of the room with haste. "What in the hell?"

"That's his ex-lover, Mai," Iroh informed you.

"I know, but I'm just wondering why she's still around," you grumbled.

Iroh shrugged and expressed his thoughts, "Truthfully, I wasn't too fond of her influence on Zuko, but he really fancied her. In the end, his title got in the way of their relationship, and she couldn't withstand the burdens of it."

"T-That still doesn't explain why she's here!"

Iroh sent you a sly smile. "Maybe to rekindle that spark?"

You jumped from your spot and ran after the two. You didn't know what overcame you or where these emotions were coming from, but your body impulsively acted upon them. The second they came into view, you reached out to grab Zuko's shoulder, pulling him away from Mai. "Yes!"

Zuko furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"I'm saying yes to your proposal. I'm going to be your wife, which means you have to be faithful to only me," you quickly explained. You turned to glare at Mai, who was watching with mild interest. "Starting now."

The confusion coerced the man to nod stupidly as if he were in a daze. He wasn't sure what brought on the sudden interest to marry him, but it sure was convenient. 

You were surprised with yourself as well. You refused to believe you acted out of jealousy. After all, there was no way you still had lingering feelings for Zuko... Yeah, no way.

The Unpredictable Fire Queen [Fire Lord Zuko x Reader]{ATLA}Where stories live. Discover now