
"If you could be any animal what would you be and why?" Blake asked laying down next to me.

It's 12:44am on a school night and here I am laying in bed with my boyfriend asking each other random questions.

"I would be an elephant because they are really smart and yeah" I said staring up at the ceiling

"You would be a cute elephant" Blake quietly said growing more tired

"I would be so fat" I giggled

"You'd still be cute" Blake said letting out a light laugh

"Blake?" I called

Blake hummed acknowledging me. I thought about how to word my next question and took a deep breath

"Have you ever thought about what will happen after the semester ends in a couple weeks?" I asked him looking over towards him

"What do you mean?" Blake asked with a quizzed look

"Well, after this semester the baby project is over. I kinda don't want this to end" I sighed

"Think positive, next semester we have gym. Everyone knows gym is more physical so I have an excuse to get really close to you" Blake smiled closing his eyes

"That wouldn't be too bad I guess" I smiled

"Wanna know a secret?" Blake asked me

"Is that even a question? Of course I do" I said rolling my eyes

"I have straight A's in all my classes." Blake said making me sit up

"What?!" I exclaimed but Blake quickly covered my mouth

"Yes, I didn't think it was that shocking" Blake laughed uncovering my mouth

"I knew you were smart but not straight A smart! But you always skip classes" I said trying to wrap my head around the whole idea

"I have photographic memory. Plus I went through this 'nerd' stage one summer with Lola where all we do was watch documentaries and read books. Turns out history channel and discovery channel are my guilty pleasures " Blake said

"So in detention that day when you said you would help since you need to boost your grade up?" I asked waiting for his excuse

"Well obviously I just wanted an excuse to hang out" Blake said rolling his eyes

"Awww" I giggled planting kisses all over his face

"I was thinking...this whole project thing is really good practice for the real deal. Say we get married and have an actual kid, we would be pros at it" Blake said yawning

"I think that's the whole purpose of having the project" I told him

"I'm glad I told the world about us" Blake said

"The world meaning the school cafeteria?" I laughed

"You know what I meant" Blake groaned

"Goodnight Blake" I quietly said closing my eyes

"Night princess" Blake emphasized my old nickname he gave me when we first met

"You're an asshole" I mumbled have asleep

"And you're mine"Blake said before officially falling asleep next to me


"Aw look at the happy couple" Henry smirked at me and Blake who just arrived

"How's Lola? I miss her" I asked him letting go if Blake's hand so that I can open my locker

"Is that all I'm good for?! So you can get to Lola?" Henry exclaimed jokingly

"No of course not! That's why I have Blake!" I joked back laughing

"Oh shutup" Blake smiled rolling his eyes

"To answer your question she's fine and you're seeing her Saturday for the Christmas party" Henry said

The whole group being me, Blake, Henry, Lola, Megan, and Eric decided to get together and exchange gifts before we all split up with our families. Henry was nice enough to invite us all over to his house so he's hosting it this year. Usually it just used to be me, Megan, Eric, and Angie but since that ship has sailed I'm glad I'm spending it with my real friends.

"I can't wait for Christmas" I said shutting my locker

"Wait until you get my present" Blake said nudging me

"Okay I'm going to leave before I vomit all over the floor" Henry said in disgust before waving goodbye

"Give me a hint...I'll give you one" I offered wanting to know what he got me

"Romantic with maybe a dash of cheesy" Blake told me

"Yours is tangible" I simply said

"That's it? Your joking right? Is it cute or is it boring?" Blake asked wanting to know more

"It's cute and it has a lot of meaning" I said patting his shoulder

I'm actually scared to give Blake my present because it literally tells him that I love him. Even though I have an idea that he loves me back we haven't said it face to face. What if he really didn't mean to say 'I love you'?

The bell rang telling us to move to our first class. Blake intertwined our hands and walked with me down the hall to health with our kid.

"I can't wait for this to be over with. The baby is so much work" blake groaned

"You just said last night that you thought it was good practice" I rolled my eyes

"Yeah but it's different with a real baby than a fake one" Blake said holding the doll out by it's foot

"It has censors! It's practically a real baby that doesn't grow!" I said grabbing the baby right as it started crying

"One and half more weeks" Blake muttered walking into the classroom

"Your going to miss this" I said sticking out my tongue

"Oh yes darling I'm going to miss waking up at three in the morning to change a fake diaper" Blake sarcastically said

"I think we need fake marriage therapy" I joked receiving a laugh from Blake

"That would be entertaining" Blake said shaking his head

"Hey, are you free tonight?" I asked

"Hi, no I am not" Blake said mocking me

"Wait seriously?" I said a tad bit bummed

"Ya I'm serious..I have 'work' tonight because I was late to a meeting" Blake hinted about his fighting

"Oh no" I said covering my face with my hands

"What?" Blake asked pulling my hands away

"Now I'm going to be a mess tonight! What if you get hurt or what if you need help or wha-" I rambled

"Let's not talk about this now ok?" Blake whispered looking around the room

I nodded my head and gave him a weak smile before facing forward to pay attention to the lesson.

I have a feeling I'm going to be cleaning his face tonight.


So this chapter was kinda a hint to you guys that 'The Baby Project' is almost! I hope you guys enjoy the last few chapters I have :)

What do you think Emma and Blake are getting each other for Christmas?

Do you think Blake is going to be ok or maybe he's in more danger than he thinks?

I want to thank all of you lovely readers, voters, followers etc for continuing to read my story! You guys got me 31k! I'm so happy about it!

The Baby Project: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now