It wasn't until Minal's mother questioned Zaydaan about his recent trip that the conversation took a turn.

"So Zaydaan, how was Saudi Arabia?"

Everyone looked at Zaydaan and since I was sitting right by his side, they looked at me too.

"You should ask Ashfaq Uncle that. Hectic and stressful."

He replied.

Had General Ashfaq gone to Saudi Arabia too?

I was not much interested in the conversation, not until Minal let out a laugh, glancing at my husband and batting her eyelashes.

I was not sure if she had actually done that or if my jealousy was only making me see things.

"Oh come on, I was there and I didn't think it was that bad."

I almost gasped at the information. The only way I got to guard my expression, was when Ahad stood up from the opposite end of the room and sat by his brother's side.

So he had fought with me and had lectured me about Ahad, but it was okay for him to go on a government trip with his ex.

Was it not hypocritical?

Even before I could think of all the things that could happen or were happening between them, General Ashfaq looked at his daughter.

"You were there in fancy abayas and eating the traditional dishes, my daughter. Only Zaydaan and I know how consuming it was."

He told everyone. My husband sensed my mood, looking at me with a blank face.

"Ashfaq uncle has family in Jeddah. So Minal decided to visit them." He whispered, only audible to Ahad and I.

I did not need to hear this explanation. I never questioned him about anything, I never doubted him but I should have.

I mean, I was forced to marry him and he was forced to marry me, and he had someone in his life before me. How could I expect him to break all kinds of contact with her?

Ahad let out a sigh, throwing me a look as he was the only person I was staring at with a vulnerable face.

"Yeah, and how would you know Minal? You were in Jeddah, you left before them and they were in Riyadh and bhai came a day before you. No?"

Even though, he had managed to keep his tone neutral, I could hear the indirect elaboration in his voice, for me.

I had never felt so grateful. I was still a little cautious and doubtful about Zaydaan and Minal but Ahad's words had calmed me down.

"Yeah, thanks for the elaboration, Ahad. Always looking out for me."

I realised that, both of them did not share a very good bond. Ahad clearly did not like her and she also looked at him like he was the last person she would ever want to look at.


"Tayaar ese hui wi hai jese iska rishta maangne aye hain hum."

He had whispered the words to his brother but it still reached my ears and I almost laughted out loud.

In this living room, filled with pretentious people, he was the only one who seemed real. Even Zaydaan had a shell around him, a shell that I didn't think even I had broken yet.

"So bhai, about Saudia. How were the things there?"

He said out loud, prolonging the conversation.

"As I said, tiring but good." Zaydaan replied.

Sadqay Tumhare Where stories live. Discover now