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As they walked hand in hand, Ichigo and Orihime had smiling faces. The sun was high, but covered by a few puffy gray clouds, and a chill breeze still blew in the lessening winter cold. They were out looking for a flower shop, they already had the dress and the rest for the wedding, they just needed these flowers. As Orihime caught a periwinkle sparkle in her vison, she stopped. Ichigo felt the weight tug at his hand as he turned around to see Orihime not moving, as he followed her gaze, he saw the small white flowers with periwinkle gems covering the dusty blue ribbon. " Orihime, do you want those flowers?" He asked in a peaceful tone. She nodded her head, still gazing at the snow colored petals and the glistening studs. He stepped to the window to pay. As she watched him walk up to the small flower cart, she twisted the engagement ring on her silk finger. 'Alot has changed since Kuchiki-sans wedding, we've grown so close, and are getting married in 3 days, He makes me so happy.' She closed her thoughts as he turned back to face her, the small bundle of flowers in a translucent bag, being held by the stems. He smiled as she did, continuing their small walk.
As the pair walked up the small path to the door, Ichigo knocked, as Yuzu opened the door. Her bubbly personality, overflowing with gleam. She was more so particularly happy she gets to make the food for the wedding, and helped Orihime pick out her dress and cake. " Onii-chan Orihime-chan, im so happy to see you!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around Orihime's neck in a fond hug. " Yuzu-chan, you just saw us yesterday, but I'm happy to see you too!" Ichigo just stood there, watching the over excited pair, until he felt a wind, about to clash into his jaw. He looked back to see his dad Isshin, laying on the ground, a thumb up in the air. " Good job my son, you are a natural!" He said in a slightly pained tone, as he dusted off his pants. He was calm for a moment until he heard Orihime's concerned voice, " Kurosaki-san, are you okay?" You could see the worry in her burnt, brown eyes. He jumped from where he was standing, arms extended the trail of fake tears streaming his face, " Orihime-chan! Don't worry im fine, no harm done!" As he clashed into his sons palm, stopping him from launching into Orihime. " yea, right old goat, as if id let you touch Orihime." He stated, a slightly rough tone, his reflexes were instant, but his fathers forehead smacked into his hand pretty hard. "Now now, Ichigo-kun" she looked at him with a stern spark in her eye, a light blush started to invade his face, He's never seen that glint befor. "Kurosaki-san, is so nice, so treat him nicely sometimes too." Ichigo looked at her dumb founded, until he recalled his fathers forehead still increased in his palm. He removed his hand and stood up straighter, 'who could have known the princess could be so bossy, maybe her dominance will come to good use..' At his hollows suggestive thinking, he scoffed at the thought. 'Now isn't the time to get hot and bothered by the dirty thoughts of the princess.' His hollow once again made a slick remark, as Ichigo just awkwardly mumbled gomen, and walked inside. As Isshin started crying his big, fake tears again, he started to sob out some words. "My daughter in law, is more of a child then my own son." As he walked inside tears still coming, Ichigo just ignored him, even as he clutched at the huge picture of his mother, bragging about his new daughter. As Orihime and Yuzu walked in behind them, they saw Karin at the table, ear buds shoved in her ears, " Hello Karin-chan." Orihime said, Karin just flicked her head in response. As Orihime walked into the kitchen, to help Yuzu get things out for dinner. The sizzle of the pan sent a fresh, spicy aroma in the air.  Chilli and lime, seasoned chicken over white rice, for Orihime, she added some butter and red bean paste to hers. " This food is delicious, Yuzu-chan!" Orihime said, filling her mouth with another bite of her food. They all just smiled as she took another bite, happy she was enjoying herself. "So, Orihime-chan." Isshin said, a more serious tone taking his lips, everyone payed attention now. When he saw her look, and give her full attention, he continued. " I planned on, extending the house a bit, my room would be downstairs, and the girls and Ichigo, upstairs." He made sure she was comprehending his words, " Would you like to move in with us, Orihime-chan?" She was suprised, she looked at the Kurosaki Family, she looked at the ring on her finger, 'This is my family now'. With the thought fresh in her head she smiled, " Yes, Kurosaki-san, id be glad to move in." He smiled, the whole family did. " Well then Orihime-chan, we can move you stuff in, after the wedding." She nodded her head in response, as they continued after that, to finish their meals.
As Orihime and Yuzu cleared the table of the dishes, they had a hot sink ready to wash them. As Orihime washed, Yuzu dried. They then wiped down the counters, and table. They swept the floor and then, strated some tea. It was only around 8:30pm, and noone was really sleepy yet. " So, what do you guys say to a movie night?" Isshin asked, him happily wanting to go rent a few movies. " As long as we can have a comedy!" Yuzu said, "Maybe an action?" Ichigo proposed, but Karin's suggestion had everyone but one, " What about a horror movie? " everyone agreed, but Orihime,  she shook her head yes, but her skin started to crawl with fear. " Alright, who wants to come with me to the store!" Isshin exclaimed, Karin, nodded in agreement, she wanting to make sure the movie had alot of gore, Ichigo, reluctant to stay, but wanted to go, was given the okay, his father laughing at him on the way out. Yuzu and Orihime stayed back to set up the couches with some comfortable pillows and blankets, with some drinks and snacks for the movie night.
As they were finishing up, the three returned. Karin had a huge smile on her face, as she pulled out two movies. " Tonights movies are, 'A haunting- The dead man's woods, and 'When darkness Falls." Everyone was smiling, huge and excited. 'This is gonna be a long night, hopefully I don't get too scared.' Orihime thought, sitting down next to Ichigo, as Isshin dimed the lights.

* The next chapter, will be a special chapter, a little off the storyline, but a good little gift, I'll make sure its ready for Christmas. I Hope you enjoy. 😁*

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