Chapter 19: "I know you wont."

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My eyes shot to his, "Really? You're taking me out of the cellar?"

Finally he looked up at my face, and smiled.
"You really are adorable when you're excited." Wrapping his arm around me to lean in to me, I hooked my arms around his neck and kissed his deeply, he hummed and pulled away, "But," he went on, "This isn't for your fun, Victoria, this is another punishment."

I shook my head and pulled my arms back,
"What is it, then?"

He ignored me, instead covering my arms with clothes he told me to try on and sitting in the chair to watch.

I stripped out of the little skimpy gown I was in and into the short wine colored dress, after, he helped stuff me into a brown corset and boots. Sayters thumb traced over my neck as he took me in, "Beautiful," he whispered, and led me out of the cellar.

The bar had looked the same, but now, everyone's eyes were on me.


In the carriage, I rested my legs on Sayters lap while he lectured me on what I can't do or say or scream, everything I wasn't allowed to do before, "And no biting. I know that's your favorite thing to do to shut someone up."

I purred, "It's how I mark a claim,"
Sayter scoffed, "Last time you tried to mark a claim on me, you sucked me."

I stared at the bulge in his pants, "You didn't object,"

"I threw a bowl at your head and spanked you."

"And I got you back for it,"

His head whipped to me, "Excuse me?"

"I'm saying," I propped my head on the window, "You certainly learned a lesson after I sold my soul to make—"
Sayter took me by the neck and pulled me over his lap. He didn't pull down my clothes since I was in a dress but he did pull my panties down, bringing a hand down hard on my ass, I cried out.

"Stop! There are men around!" I gestured to the man controlling the horses pulling the carriage outside, the window open so they could hear. He forced my hand back at my side and straightened me over him.

Sayter slapped my sore ass again, I had already been flogged earlier and yesterday so my ass was already in a lot of pain, "Maybe I should make your punishment worse then, if you were so aware of who's around us after making that little comment, slut."

Sayters hand came down on me again, and again. He didn't make me count, and I'm sure it's because he wanted to slap my ass over and over without pausing in between. I let tears begin to fall when he went over ten, and began trying to stop him. But he held my flying arms back with one hand and kept spanking me with the other. Sayter didn't spank me in the same spot, he went left to right to spread pain, and when it wasn't pleasurable it was agony on the other end. He was pissed even when he finished, pulling my panties back on and forcing me up.

I laid my head down on his lap and whimpered, "I'm sorry, sir. I wont bring it up again."

He only laid a hand down over my head,
"I know you won't."

Then is when I had realized it, I did have something against the Crime Lord after all. That whole episode in his estate with him becoming my submissive, something he could never have anyone find out. 

Interesting. All I needed to do is find a way to work it to my advantage.


Sayter led me out if the carriage, and as he did he pulled me in to kiss my temple, "Stop your crying, Victoria, honestly. I forgive you."

I smiled and nodded, nuzzling into his chest. I withdrew so he could walk, resting a hand on his shoulder so I could limp on, and looked back at the carriage. The man that controlled the horses gave me a pitiful look. So, he had heard everything.

Another man I had to kill when this was all over.

Sayter led me up to a house, a decent sized house. What now?

Up the driveway and on the steps, Sayter knocked using the door handle. After a moment a lady—

I froze, sparing the little seconds I had before she noticed me. The rumors were all true, and even going through and experiencing it all I hadn't truly thought Sayter was any more cruel than me. I was wrong, so wrong. He had won, because this was the most morbid and devilish thing anyone could do to me.

Green eyes found fine, and she gawked, then her face expanded into a fat heart shaped smile, "Victoria! My baby!"

My smile was delicate, something you could peel back and expose, "Mother, how nice it is to see you."

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