H.A.D labs gets Busted

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Melanie here. Yeah well Lauren and Titania while you were busy meeting Arsenal Danielle and I were busy running for our lives. I guess I should back up and explain how we got into this situation. Alright then here it goes.

The plan was simple; get in, look around, find Killer Frost, get out. Getting in was fine. It wasn't any problem at all. My class was taking a tour at the time. Which gave me time to look around but I would have to get away from the group to go exploring. Which means that Danielle would have to cause a distraction for me to get away. Once that happened we would meet up later and then do our thing. Simple right? Haha no it wasn't. Okay okay I'll get to the story now.

"And here we have some juice that we have been working on for almost two years!" the woman giving us the tour said. "You can have a sample if you want."

Everyone rushed to get one. I decided that I should at least get one for analyzing. I reached over and grabbed one. When I did the women seemed to glare at me. Maybe she remembered be the year before? I couldn't be sure about that but I pocketed it anyway. We then moved on after everyone had finished drinking it.

I looked around and try to find a place for the distraction to happen. I finally found one when we made a stop to the bathroom. I pressed a button on my shirt to let Danielle know to come.  People were almost done and Danielle still had not done the distraction. I was almost worried until just then when a cloud of smoke came through the vents. Not only could you not see but it had a bad smell and made your eyes water.

I quickly went into the bathroom and then went into a stall and changed into my new super suit. I then climbed up into one of the vents and then crawled through till I found Danielle. When she saw me she put a finger to her lip and then pointed down below. There were two people talking.

"So Lex Corp says that our partnership is almost done?" one of the scientists asked the other.

"Yep they said that all that is left is making it stable and then they're done and we can continue working it."

"And Frost?" the first asked, "How is that working out?"

"We still can't seem to find a way to cure what ever has affected her. And everytime one gose in they just get frozen like what happened to that intruder we got a couple days ago." the second let out a sigh, "I don't know what we're going to do if we can't cure her."

"And where is she now?"

"In room number 203. We should probably get back to work."

"Yeah you're right."

With that they walked away and down the hall. Danielle opened the vent and fell down with out making a sound. I landed next to her but of course I made a sound. She just shook her head and followed the direction that the two scientists went. With a sigh I went after her.

It took a while but we finally found room 203. There were at least 6 people all around the door. We would have to fight our way it. Of course we would need a plan I thought. But apparently Danielle thought differently. She charged into the room and started to fight them. With a sigh I followed after her.

Someone went to get the alarm but I froze the alarm.  I then started to throw ice balls at them and they fell to the ground. Danielle waited by the door for me to get there. When I got there she said, "I think you're going to have to go there. You heard them she frezzes them all."

"Yeah but what happens if I get into trouble?" I asked my freind.

"Look if you get into trouble I'll come and help." Danielle promised.

Hero Journals: Book TwoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz