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"you look happy?" doyoung nudged jungwoo. it was the first day of their final exam, and everyone were either gloomy, nervous or terrified. except for jungwoo. he's been cheerful the whole time doyoung had stick to him. "what?" he asked. not only was jungwoo in an oddly good mood, he's also always thinking about something else. "you're in a good mood today?" doyoung repeated, and jungwoo nodded. "great mood!" he exclaimed.

"are you not worried at all?" he asked, usually jungwoo would be freaking out by now, and he would continuously read his notes over and over again until it's time to take the test. "it's just korean and english." he shrugged, doyoung raised his eyebrows upon hearing his sudden boldness. "what's gotten into yo—"

doyoung sentence was cut off when jungwoo grabbed him by his shoulders, "doyoung, i'm so happy." he paused, and doyoung remained silent and weirded out. "i asked kana out... and she said yes!" he explained as he let go of him, doyoung blinked a few times, still processing what he had just said. "kana? as in... my ex?" he asked, and jungwoo's expression changed.

he had totally forgot about the whole doyoung and kana thing. he started feeling bad now, for telling him that. "oh god, please don't get this the wrong way," he frowned, the concern in his voice was obvious. doyoung smiled as he shook his head, "of course not. i'm happy for you!" he smiled.

the two continued their little walk to class, they didn't talk much since doyoung was pretty occupied, re-reading his notes for one last time, and jungwoo was too. "good luck." he wished jungwoo, and he nodded as a return, "you too." he smiled before walking to his assigned seat.


"how was korean for you?" jaehyun greeted as soon as jungwoo joined him and chaeyeon. "it's okay. i'm probably gonna get a b." he replied casually as he took his english notes out. chaeyeon made a look, knowing jungwoo, whenever he says he's gonna get a b for a subject, he's always gonna end up with an a. "where's johnny when i need him?" he frowned, jaehyun raised an eyebrow, "what's wrong?" he asked. "i need him to teach me some last minute english." he explained.

jaehyun pretended to act offended when he said that, "wow, i see how it is. johnny is the only english master in this household, huh? come on, babe let's go," jaehyun joked, jungwoo laughed, of course, "i don't wanna disturb you since chaeyeon has you pretty occupie—"

"oh, i'm not, don't worry. i'm completely giving up on english." she laughed. "jaehyun's all yours." she added, and jaehyun nodded. "come on, jungwoo, let's get those b's for our english." he cheered, jungwoo eyed the two for a brief moment before shrugging. he handed him his notes, "help me with the topics i wrote in red." he pointed out.

"by the way, how did it go for you and... um... kana?" chaeyeon asked, jaehyun nodded to her, "oh! she said yes! i'm no longer a single man." jungwoo replied proudly, the two clapped softly for him, "we're proud of you," jaehyun joked as chaeyeon agreed to him. "now! anyway, let's get back to studying," he added as he scooted closer to jungwoo.


"what uh, dude," kana nudged ten, who was sitting next to her. ten nodded, as a sign for him to continue, "why is doyoung texting me?" she displayed him the screen, obviously she wasn't gonna open it so soon. ten stare at it for a few minutes before finally darting his eyes to kana. "better question, why do you still have his number?" he asked casually.

kana was taken aback, of course. she doesn't know why she still has doyoung's number either. she just never really bothered to delete it. she had a moment in which she blocked it, though. "anyways, just open it, it's not like he's gonna pull up to your house for not replying." ten shrugged as he went back to studying. kana frowned at him, "what do you mean? one time, he did." she said.

ten glanced at her for a brief moment, "that's because you two were dating at that time. he's not gonna do it now. he has no reason to." his voice monotonous. "we're back!" jaera announced, she sat across of kana with a smile, but kana couldn't return it, she was still pretty bothered about doyoung.

sure, he's kinda cool now, but that doesn't change the fact that she still doesn't wanna have anything to do with him. "what's wrong?" jaera frowned, kana shook her head, "i'm just overthinking about something small," she sighed, both jaera and yukhei diverted their attentions to kana, "doyoung is texting her," ten announced for her, and kana nodded.

"what did he say?" jaera asked, kana shrugged, "i don't wanna open it, he scares me." she said, and yukhei laughed, and earned a look from jaera. he mumbled a sorry soon after. "it's better if you read it now, you have us!" jaera suggested, ten, who was focused on his own notes, nodded to jaera's suggestion.

"yeah," he mumbled. kana turned to look at yukhei for confirmation, and he nodded to her, "what's the most he can do anyway," he added. kana pursed her lips, before sighing and slowly, she unlocked her phone to read doyoung's message.

after a brief moment from her, she looked up, and the first person she looked at was yukhei. she had an expression on her, a mixture of disgust and confusion. "well?" yukhei asked, breaking the silence between them all. even ten stopped studying. his grades are important but tea between his friend and her ex is more important.

"he congratulate me... for dating jungwoo?" her statement came out as a question instead. she kept telling herself that jungwoo probably told him about it, and that he wasn't stalking her or jungwoo. ten eyed her for a moment, before slowly putting his arm around her, "dude, it's okay. he probably heard it from jungwoo." ten reassured, "yeah," jaera flashed a smile, "you guys have nothing to do with each other now. he's also probably over you. don't worry too much about it."

kana eyed yukhei who nodded, and gave her a thumbs up with he noticed her looking. "how could i not... freak out? he's crazy." she sighed, "but whatever. let's just forget about this." she smiled as she took a bite of her own lunch. ten nodded in agreement as he squeezed her shoulder, "hell yeah! you're a bad bitch, you can't be hurt!" he joked.



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