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"we've been walking for hours!" kana whined, tugging onto yukhei's sleeve. yukhei gave kana a child-like pout, "oh come on! i need my payment anyway! you need it," he exclaimed, his loud voice caught the passerby's attention. "your workplace is too far! it's so hot, yukhei, when will you pass your fucking driver's license?" the girl continued to whine.

"sunlight is good!" he argued, waving his hands as a protest. the two looked at each other and kana gave him puppy eyes, hoping he would give her a little bit of sympathy. unfortunately for her, yukhei ignored her completely.

he grabbed onto kana's hand and eventually dragged her to walk faster. "let go of me!" she hissed, wriggling her hand. "your hand is so hot! and big! my hand is sweating!" yukhei rolled his eyes and held her hand more firmly.

they reached doyoung's school. yukhei had purposely used the route so that kana would shut up and ask him to walk even faster. "oh god, it's doyoung's school." she whispered, running a little to catch up with her friend's quick pace. she pointed to the building, yukhei glanced at doyoung's school before nodding.

"look, i saw him in joy's instagram post–he dyed his hair black again!" she stated, though it was slightly hanging since she had something else in mind. yukhei had a small smirk plastered on his face as he looked down to his friend, "and why does it bother you?" he asked.

kana looked at him, her mouth slightly open before she looked away. "it d–doesn't... i don't even care about his hair. he could go bald, and i'd remain unbothered." kana replied, still not looking at her friend. her eyebrows creased a little. "alright you baby." yukhei said.

they eventually reached yukhei's workplace, though yukhei still had to drag his friend. she was lifelessly clinging onto his arm as they arrive. "look, my hair is ruined because of that 40-hours walk!" she retorted as they enter.

"aye, it's yukhei!" they heard. their head turned to the direction of the voice, kana wasn't sure who he was but she knew she had seen him somewhere. "what are you doing here, jaehyun?" yukhei asked as the two approached him. jaehyun was staring at kana, and only then she realized she had been clinging onto yukhei's arm.

she let go of him immediately, clearing her throat awkwardly. "well, i heard you and jungwoo are getting paid. might as well wait here. and maybe–i don't know? ask for a hang out?" he laughed. yukhei raised an eyebrow.

kana raised an eyebrow, too. upon hearing the sacred name. "but seems like you have your girlfriend wi–" "oh, i can assure you, he's not my boyfriend." kana interrupted, raising both her hands. jaehyun darted his eyes to kana, he wanted to say something, but he dismissed it.

"i'll be right back, kana, try to be nice with my friends, please?" yukhei gave her a small smile before running into the staff room. kana still felt awkward around jaehyun–she remembers him now, he was yukhei's friend that always think she's dating him.

jaehyun looked at kana, and a chuckle left his mouth. "have a seat," he said. kana muttered a 'thank you' before sitting across from him. they sat in silence for a few minutes. the entrance bell rang, kana turned to look who it was; ten. he was a year older than her and yukhei, they've hung out before.

he waved at her and jaehyun before approaching them. "where are jungwoo and yukhei?" he asked, taking a seat along the way. once again, with the mention of jungwoo's name, her heart skipped a beat. "long time no see, kana!" ten nudged her, she blinked a few times before nodding, "yeah." she said.

"how's you and doyoung?" ten asked, kana was taken aback, no one has ever asked her about doyoung for a long time. she slowly scratched the back of her neck before letting out a dry chuckle. she didn't like thinking of doyoung. "we... we broke up," she replied. her voice became slow.

jaehyun almost choked on his coffee, and ten was just taken aback by her answer. the two male looked at each other, and then at kana.

"you dated doyoung?"
"you broke up?"

they asked in unison. kana gave them a small smile–it almost looked forced. "yeah, i dated doyoung. and yes, we broke up." she said, not making eye contact. jaehyun leaned forward, "doyoung from my school? springfield high?" he bombarded. jaehyun found it weird that kana managed to date doyoung–since he has been known for rejecting everyone lately.

kana was about to answer when fortunately, yukhei walked over to them, when kana saw him, she was excited to see jungwoo too, but he wasn't there. she politely excused herself from jaehyun and ten, before pulling yukhei to the side.

"what do you want–" before he could even finish his sentence, yukhei was caught off guard when kana pulled him down, so that he would be on the same level with her. "is there a–do you have a–fuck it! never mind." she dismissed the question.

yukhei raised an eyebrow to kana, "tell me," he said, but the girl waved her hand in front of his face, telling him to disregard him. yukhei looked at her for a brief moment before shrugging, joining jaehyun and ten again.

"how much money did they gave you?" ten asked, he had a sheepish smile along the way. "oh, give me a break, ask jungwoo." he said, sighing. "plus, i still need to pay kana. i owe her like... $40." he pointed at her. kana raised both of her hands, "i would've let it slide if it was $4!" she said, earning some laughs from ten and jaehyun.

"hi." kana's head turned towards yukhei's direction, and to her surprise, it was jungwoo. she wanted to scream at this point. it's been long since she last saw him, and jungwoo hasn't even texted her. jungwoo was smiling at his friends when his eyes met kana's. they both fell silent, just acknowledging each other's presence.

yukhei noticed the atmosphere around them, his eyebrows furrow in confusion. "i'm sorry, but–do you guys know each other, or something?" he asked, taking a step back. kana broke the eye contact, slowly feeling her face heating up. she turned to look at yukhei, "yeah, we do." she said.

the male noticed his friend's face slowly turning pink, and once again, a stupid smirk came onto his face. "so... is this the jaew–"

kana pressed a finger onto her lips quickly, and yukhei could see how the desperateness in her eyes. "alright, alright," he nodded, grinning to himself. the two turned to look at the rest, they were obviously confused.

"hey, why don't we all hang out? i suddenly feel generous." yukhei announced, grinning. he turned to look at kana, who had her eyebrows creased. he winked at her. she shuddered.


a/n: when will nct get their first win for this comeback :((

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