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there he was again, yukhei. she sees him every day, and every dah he never fails to flash her his big grin, before laughing to himself. "hey." he greeted when she was close enough to him. kana nodded at his response as she dropped her bag onto her desk. "morning." she replied whilst sitting down.

the two was oddly quiet afterwards. kana didn't really mind it since she was a bit tired and was trying to fight the urge to fall asleep. but for yukhei, he had a particular question in his head that he's been meaning to ask, but he wasn't sure how to make himself not appear as someone who's a busybody.

"uhh," he trailed off, kana shifted her position to face yukhei. "so like, um, how's you and, jungwoo?" he asked. he heard from johnny who heard from doyoung that the two had been seeing each other very often now, and he wondered why his own friend hadn't told him anything.

"oh." she simply replied, she went from having a small smile to a wide grin, "we've been hanging out together for this past weeks—studying, of course. at the library, at the café, anywhere calming." she said, her voice had a very obvious joy in it. yukhei nodded his head, "are you guys... like... dating?" he asked again, still, somehow hesitant.

kana shook her head, "no." she replied shortly, "oh, okay," yukhei muttered, sounding relieved and happy at the same time. kana shot him a look, "wait, what?" she asked, and yukhei shook his head in realisation. "wait, no, no, no. don't get me wrong. i was just having this thought that you might hate me and that's why you haven't talked to me in 2 weeks straight and that if you were dating jungwoo and didn't tell me, that'll prove my point." he sulked. kana blinked a few times, unsure on what to say.

"i–i haven't talked to you in 2 weeks because i've been occupied with my studies..." she finally mumbled, looking away. yukhei nodded, "sorry," he said quietly.

kana was about to start a new conversation when their homeroom teacher walked in and started yelling about something from the previous day—which means if they were talking right now, they're gonna get scolded, badly.


"see you tomorrow, yukhei." she waved at him. without really waiting for his response, kana casually turned the other way to head to the library. but was stopped when yukhei grabbed her by the wrist. "are you okay?" she asked, and he nodded, "can i join you to the library today?" he asked.

"sure!" she exclaimed as she walked back to him. although she was approximately 20 centimetres shorter than him, and was struggling, she still place her arm on his shoulders. the two started walking together as they talked about everything they've missed on each other for the past 2 weeks, before yukhei finally realised how much she was struggling to wrap her arm around him.

"stop that. you're making yourself look stupid." he laughed as he removed her arm. "here." he said, still amused by what he just saw. yukhei then place his arm around her instead, and they were both in a much comfortable position now. "you know..." kana trailed off, trying to catch his attention. "what?" he asked without looking.

"me and jungwoo... we kinda... kissed... twice." she mumbled, her gaze fell onto the ground, knowing that yukhei's gonna start freaking out or something. "YOU WHAT?" he yelled, which made them gain attention from everyone else. "shut up!" she hissed, rolling her eyes. "ARE YOU DATING HIM OR NOT?" he yelled again, obviously not giving a second thought about everyone else around him.

"shut up!" she hissed again, at this point she just had to hit him in some way. "no, i'm not." she replied, and then she earned a look from yukhei. "that's weird." he muttered. "you should talk to him." he suggested, but kana was quick to disagree, of course. "that's crazy—you're crazy." she said, yukhei rolled his eyes. "coward." he mumbled.

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