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"what a game!" jaehyun exclaimed, specifically to hana, his girlfriend. kana stood up from her seat, "i'm gonna head to the restroom." kana announced, she glanced at jaehyun for a second before leaving, making her way out of the school field.

she was obviously not familiar with the building, though she refused to ask any of the students in sight for help. she ended up roaming around the building for about 2 minutes, only to reach an old looking restroom.

kana didn't actually needed to go to the restroom and seeing how dark the one that was in front of her made her change her mind completely. she turned around, to go back to the field. but everything seemed to stop when she saw doyoung walking toward her direction.

he hadn't noticed her yet. kana wanted to run into the bathroom, but nothing came out as a reaction. at the same time, doyoung lifted his head from his phone, and saw kana. he stopped on his tracks, but somehow managed to smile at her. he waved at her as he continued with his steps.

"kana, hi! what are you doing here?" he asked, finally reaching the girl. kana's eyes widened, her palms were starting to sweat. though, she knew she probably looked nervous, she tried to keep calm. "hey, doyoung, i just–looking for a restroom," she laughed shortly.

doyoung peeked behind her, before smiling, "that one's been out of order for two years now, come here," he gestured, kana followed him shortly from behind as they left the empty hallway, "what were you doing here, though?" she asked, genuinely out of curiosity.

"my chemistry teacher told me to hand over these papers for him in the lab, but the door was locked so i was texting him." he answered. kana nodded as an answer, though doyoung didn't really see it.

there was an awkward silence between them as they walked, and to make it even more awkward, was the fact that they would glance at each other every once in a while. 

"so, what are you up to? i'm guessing you're here for the match. but what are you up to afterwards?" he asked, he spoke a little to quick, but kana managed to understand him. which annoyed kana for no reason.

she shrugged, keeping her eyes low on the ground, "maybe go home? it's a hot day," she sighed, doyoung glanced at her–again–before chuckling. "it is, really." he answered. "want to eat ice cream with me?" it took doyoung a few seconds before realizing what he said.

he mentally wanted to kill himself right on the spot for not thinking before speaking. "i was joking." he added, laughing awkwarly seconds later. kana looked at him, as they made eye contact, "i'd actually love some ice cream, right now." she answered, and she darted her eyes back onto the ground.

a smile crept onto doyoung's face, his eyes lighting up, "really? that's great!" he said, sounding ecstatic. kana smiled as a response too, but deep down, she wasn't sure if it was a good idea, and whether or not will this whole thing turn out just fine.


"you–what?" yukhei exclaimed, total disbelief. "i know! i was being stupid. i don't know what to do now!" kana exclaimed, it had only been less than 20 minutes since doyoung and her confirmed to go out together, and she was already regretting her decisions.

"should i bail?" she asked, and that made yukhei's eyes widened. "no! that's not what we're going to do, kana." yukhei huffed, "you should just go. if you need to bail out that moment, just tell me. i'll make out a drama for you." he winked, kana shuddered and looked away.

"okay, fine." she sighed, still regretting her choices. "i'm gonna end up killing myself one day i swear." she muttered, and yukhei laughed as a respond. "also, congrats for winning, you big loser!" she exclaimed, slightly jumping to hug the taller boy.

yukhei was taken aback for a moment, before he gently wrapped his arms around his friend too. he felt soft inside when kana finally congratulate him. "thank you," he said, grinning like a little boy. "i knew you can do it, you're wong yukhei after all." she added as they broke the hug.

a tinge of red started appearing on yukhei's face as he shook his head, "oh no, that's a bit too much." he laughed, and kana chuckled along the way.

their coach walked inside and started congratulating the boys, and kana took that as a sign that she needed to leave. she mouthed a 'bye' to yukhei, which he acknowledged–and made her leave.

kana's first intention was to find jaera, but after a good 10 minutes of searching, she gave up. she left a text to jaera, saying that she was leaving without her. which jaera replied with an 'alright'. she glanced at the time, which read 2:30 PM.

"kana!" she heard someone call, she knew the voice too well–it was doyoung. she wanted to answer but then again, she just froze on the spot. doyoung fastened his pace and reached kana, he had a smile on his face as he saw kana.

"hi," he greeted, still smiling. kana turned to look at him, and smiled back. "ice cream?" she said, and doyoung nodded. the two were awkward as usual, kana was following doyoung as he took them to an ice cream shop.

kana would be lying if she said she didn't want to hold a conversation with him–but what? what is there to talk about with him? she silently cursed at herself for being so awkward sometimes. clearing her throat, she finally gained the courage to speak, "where are we heading?" she asked.

doyoung took a deep breath, "it's really just called 'soft ice cream'." doyoung laughed, though kana's eyes lighten up, "oh i know this shop–i love it!" she exclaimed happily. doyoung turned to look at her and grinned, "i'm glad you like it, i like their ice cream too!" he laughed.

"do you come here often?" he asked, kana shook her head, "no, not really. it's a little far from home, but i do come here when i feel like i should treat myself! or maybe after a massive diet. you know–cheat day!" she chuckled.

the male eyed her for a second, "diet? why would you go on a diet?" he asked, genuinely curious. kana had always looked nice, since they first met. doyoung never quite knew she goes on a diet. "do you always go on a diet?" he asked again, kana smiled, "yeah! i think it's a habit of mine? maybe." she answered, not quite sure herself.

doyoung was still curious, though. "why would you go on a diet?" he asked again, kana raised her eyebrows, "why?" she repeated, not quite sure why either. "i think i just don't like gaining too much weight in a short period of time," she answered, not quite sure if that's actually the reason why.

"what do you not eat when you go on a diet?" he asked again, "oh, i'd usually just change my snacks to fruits and i'd cut down foods like ice cream," she paused, "nothing too serious." she smiled. doyoung nodded at her answer, "i think you'll look just find without those diets." he mumbled, and hoped kana didn't hear him.

except kana did. she did hear him, and now she was stuck in a pool full of thoughts. her eyes kept locked on the ground, as she let herself think about so many things. doyoung wasn't aware that they stopped talking, he turned to look at kana's direction, and back to her.

"kana?" he called, though the girl didn't respond. he took a deep breath and quickly put his arms around her shoulder, dragging her away from the bench she was about to hit.

with the physical contact she just had, kana got back to her senses. confused, she looked at doyoung, her mouth hanging open a little. doyoung let go of her soon after, "watch out," he laughed, looking down at the girl. kana was still shocked with what had happened, as she continued to stare at him.

"you're still so clumsy, kana." he added with a chuckle. kana kept staring at him, specifically into his eyes, as he was smiling at how she was still the same since then. kana couldn't think of anything else but how pretty his eyes were. especially when he smiles–his eyes would look like they trapped millions of lights into them.


a/n: ok this was cheesy omg. also chain is so good! i could actually hear winwin's line :o
also, thank you for 1.1k followers! <3

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