Weir stopped, sighing. This wasn't going to be good if John had saved it for after the nuclear bombs.

He flashed her that boyish grin he used when he knew he was in trouble. It never worked on her.

"They have a wraith data device that has given us some information regarding the hive, however they haven't been able to unlock all the information and before we go..."

Weir sighed again. "She has to agree to go. I won't order her to do it." She said sharply. "I mean it John, she's on a science team. It is not in her job description to walk into a Wraith hive ship." and she turned and walked away.

John exhaled and climbed to his feet. "I'll talk to Kai, you load up and inform Bates of the plan. We'll meet in the jumper bay in..." John glanced down at his watch trying to decide how long it might take him to talk Kai into coming with them. "Two hours."

Ford nodded and trotted away eagerly.

The conversation with Weir had gone better than he hoped, and though he hated to admit it, she was right about Kai. Kai had been incredibly helpful on several missions lately, but it wasn't her job. Her expertise on Wraith tech and her piloting skills had saved their hides more than a few times.

He hated to admit it, but he had been wrong about her. She was competent and dedicated. She had shown an ability to remain calm when shit hit the fan and she didn't back down when things got hard.

Up until Hoff he would have said she was cold, but he had seen her anger over the little boy there. Watching him die had been tough on all of them, and it made him hesitant to drag her back out into the field so soon. No matter how he looked at it however they needed Kai to take a look at the data drive and there was no way the Genii were going to give it up without a fight.

He found her sitting by herself in the mess hall. There was a tray of barely touched food getting cold in front of her as she read on a tablet. She was wearing the oversized mechanics jumpsuit again and her scarf was wrapped like a turban around her head with one end resting over her shoulder.

"Interesting reading?" He asked standing over her.

Kai jerked her eyes to him, her body coiling with tension. She released as soon as she realized it was the Major.

John recognized he had startled her. "Sorry," he said and he pulled out the chair across from her, sitting down. Whatever had happened in her past had made her reactive and hyper-aware. John would never ask, but it made him mad to know how bad it must have been to condition her the way it had.

"McKay found me some schematics for the jumpers in the database," Kai responded.

The Major was a mystery to her. He had spent so long being suspicious of her, but after their time on Hoff together it was like a switch had flipped and she was one of his people. Now, he was apologizing for startling her and making small talk. Their time in the hospital together secured her place here in his eyes and he hadn't looked back.

"Exciting," he said with a teasing grin. He glanced around them. "Where's Zelenka?"

"If you're looking for him he's on the east pier examining some power conduits."

"I'm not," John said quickly. "It's just rare to see you without him." He reached out and swiped a fry from her abandoned tray.

Kai shrugged and took a sip of her water as she waited for the Major to get to the reason he was here. She had gotten used to his little dance. He was uncomfortable asking her straight out to do things. She imagined it was a combination of her past plus the fact that she wasn't directly under his command. The Major wasn't the type of person who liked asking for help.

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