Chapter 16: Christmas Special III

Start from the beginning

It bothered her, a lot. What also bother Skylar was that she didn't think that Thor knew she existed. He didn't talk to her that much. To him, it seemed like she was just like that girl who hangs around Loki. She didn't think he had any sort of opinion on her, she just thought that he didn't really care about her.

Skylar was sitting on the couch having a smoothie on her, Peter, Tori and Lexi's floor, when the elevator dinged and Thor walked out. He was likely ransacking the cupboard for Poptarts again. Tori had condemned Skylar and Lexi to stop him everytime he did something like this, so it looked like she had to get up from her relaxation time. She got up to go to the kitchen where Thor was.

"Thor, I can't let you steal the Poptarts. Tori will literally kill me if you- what the hell? Why are you only wearing a towel?!" She exclaimed in surprise.

"Your friend Lorelei got pissed off at Loki for something, I don't remember what it was, but now the water is shut off on our floor. I'm actually on the floor above this one, so I just went here. I need to take a shower," he replied.

"Why didn't you just wear your clothes down here and just bring a towel?"

"Less to carry." He excused quickly. Then he noticed that Skylar couldn't stop staring at his extremely ripped torso. He then remembered what Tony had often said to women when they were doing the same thing to him. "Like what you see, Miss Edwards?"

"W-what?" Skylar stammered. He had caught her staring. He only chuckled in response. "I didn't- I mean, uh- I wasn't staring..."

"I don't mind, mis-"

"Please, call me Skylar. None of this Miss Edwards crap."

"My apologies. Where I come from, it's just common courtesy to call women Miss or My Lady when you don't know them very well. First name basis is for friendships, family or lovers."

"Well, I'd definitely like to get to know you better," Skylar blurted out without thinking. She immediately regretted it, knowing exactly how it sounded when she said it.

"Me too, Mis- Skylar."

"Hey! Skylar, I've been looking for- what are you doing?" Loki suddenly appeared from the elevator.

"Oh, uh, Thor needed to take a shower and decided to come down here, since somebody I know pissed off Lorelei," she replied.

"Seems like Lorelei can't take a joke." Loki replied nonchalantly.

"Don't call her weak if you don't want to get your ass handed to you by her." Skylar scolded him. Thor only laughed in response.

"I'll gonna head to the shower. See you later, Skylar." Thor left the room to head to one of the bathrooms in the girl's rooms. Loki's eyes darted to Skylar.

"What the hell was that?" Loki growled darkly.

"What was what?" Skylar had no idea what he was pissy about.

"My brother standing there in only a towel and you ogling him."

"Dude, I was only talking to him. Besides, the whole 'make room for Jesus' rule was definitely being followed. I was standing over six feet away from Thor!"

"Who is Jesus?"

"It's just a saying about making room for "God" in Christian terms when people are standing too close to one another."

"Well, since I'm a god, we're gonna call it 'make room for Loki'!" He declared. Skylar burst into laughter.

"Sure, let's call it that from now on."

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